New Year’s resolutions are meant to help you better yourself. There is no better time to make healthier choices than when you are pregnant. By taking care of your physical and mental health, you are helping yourself have a healthy pregnancy and labor.
New Year’s Resolutions You’ll Want to Keep
1. Pamper Yourself Regularly
It is so important to take care of yourself during pregnancy. You can’t take care of yourself properly if you aren’t also taking care of your emotions and stress levels. Take some time to take a bubble bath, get a pedicure, or splurge on a massage. Spend some time making yourself feel good and try to relax as much as possible.
2. Don’t Obsess Over the Baby Weight
When you are pregnant, weight gain is unavoidable. There may come a time when you don’t like the number you see on the scale or how your old jeans don’t fit anymore. This is normal, and you should not spend time obsessing over the weight gain as this can add more stress.
3. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
Instead of eating junk food when you are having cravings, eat fruits and vegetables. This will help you achieve a more balanced diet, increase your energy, maintain stamina and improve overall health. Keep a variety of fruits in your home, and toss an apple in your purse before you leave home. This will help you choose a healthier snack option when you’re out instead of opting for an unhealthy snack. You can also make smoothies and salads ahead of time to take with you on the go.
4. Track Your Pregnancy as You Go
This resolution isn’t entirely health-related, but it could help make you happier and ease stress knowing that your baby is healthy and developing well. Keep track of all things pertaining to your pregnancy and your baby, and turn it into a memento to look at in the future.
5. Go for a Walk a Few Times Each Week
Staying active during pregnancy can improve your energy and stamina during pregnancy and labor. Your baby also benefits from the activity because it improves the blood flow. Another bonus to staying active during pregnancy is that you can get back in shape more quickly after birth.
6. Get Your Finances In Order
This is another New Year’s resolution that will help you stay stress-free during your pregnancy. Finances are a huge cause of stress during pregnancy. With the added expenses that come with preparing for a new baby, there is also the worry of less money during maternity leave. Before the baby arrives, make sure your finances are taken care of. Come up with a plan if you will be losing money due to maternity leave and make sure all bills are caught up and ready to be paid on time each month.
7. Get Some Rest
Pregnancy is exhausting! Take this time to sleep before the baby comes. Although there is so much to do to get ready for the baby’s arrival, you have to take time to rest, too. Your body needs the sleep and by staying well-rested throughout the pregnancy, you may have more stamina in the delivery room.
8. Avoid Googling Every Symptom
Aside from causing stress, diagnosing your own problems based on what you read on the internet is not the healthiest choice. If you are worried about a certain symptom, plan to ask your doctor about it at your next doctor’s appointment. Your doctor will be honest with you if something is abnormal or a cause for concern, so you can take the guesswork out of the symptom.
9. Write Down Questions to Ask Your Doctor
While you may go to your doctor’s appointments with every intention of mentioning something to your doctor, many questions or concerns seem to be forgotten once you reach the exam table. You can avoid this and stay ahead of any problems if you write down any thoughts or questions you have for the doctor and keep your notes in a safe and convenient place.
10. Stay In Touch with Friends and Family
Staying in touch with your loved ones is another resolution that may protect your mental health during pregnancy. While it may be easy to stay in bed and relax during the entire pregnancy, you need to keep your loved ones close. You will need support throughout the pregnancy, and most definitely after the baby is born. Rely on these people now and not only will you have a close support system, but you will also be happier spending time with loved ones than by yourself.
Final Thoughts on New Year’s Resolutions
These ideas for New Year’s resolutions during pregnancy should help you have a healthier pregnancy. By taking care of yourself physically and mentally, you will be more prepared for a healthier labor, as well.