Pregnancy can be a very exciting time for parents-to-be, but does a sexual relationship have to stop during pregnancy? It is really a personal preference, but sex is not a bad thing while expecting a baby in most cases. Many women avoid having sex when they are pregnant because they feel that having sex can somehow injure the baby in their uterus, but this is not true at all. The only reason to abstain from sex during pregnancy is if advised to do so by a doctor. To help ease your mind, here are a few things that many women want to know about sex during pregnancy.
Will I still feel like having sex when I am pregnant?
Some women feel extra sexual during pregnancy due to hormones, while others are repulsed by the very idea. It really does depend on the individual. Some men and women are wary of sex during pregnancy because they feel that it will be painful or harmful to the baby. The uterus is a very thick wall of muscle that cushions the baby and keeps it protected, so rest assured, your baby has no idea that any sexual activity is taking place.
What can I do to make sure that I don’t get any infections while pregnant?
Be sure to use condoms and get tested in order to prevent any sexually transmitted infections during pregnancy. It is a good idea to have yourself and your partner tested to make sure that you don’t have any diseases which could be transmitted to your baby when it is born. Some STI’s such as group B strep or herpes can be fatal to a newborn, so it is a great idea to be sure that your baby is safe.
Will it hurt to have pregnancy sex if I am healthy?
Some women experience feelings during pregnancy that are different from before they were pregnant. These feelings can be either positive or negative in nature and can be both mental and physical. Since the body goes through many changes during this time, you can either experience feelings of pain or pleasure that are amplified during pregnancy sex. Trying different positions for intercourse can enhance or relieve these feelings, depending on what your body wants. Sitting on top during sex can be more painful for the mother-to-be, while standing can be more comfortable. Positions such as missionary can be more difficult during this time because of a distended belly getting in the way, so it is really dependent on what the woman can tolerate.
Is sex during pregnancy safe?
Sex during pregnancy, unless otherwise recommended by a physician, is perfectly safe. Pregnancy sex can’t hurt your baby and can’t hurt you. As long as the cervix is closed and no pain is felt, a healthy pregnancy can’t be affected by sexual contact. Having an orgasm can cause mild cramps or contractions after sex, but these should stop within a few minutes after starting. If they do not stop, that is cause for a visit to the doctor, but these cramps usually cease very quickly.
When should I avoid sex during pregnancy?
While it is perfectly safe to have sex during a healthy pregnancy, there are some instances where sex is not recommended. If you are uncomfortable or having pain while having sex, it might be a good idea to stop intercourse until you have been checked out. If you begin bleeding at all during pregnancy, it is not a good idea to have sex until given the okay by a physician. If cramping occurs and will not stop, sex is most likely not a good idea, and if your doctor provides any other reason for not wanting you to have sex, it is recommended that you follow their orders to make sure that you are healthy for the rest of your pregnancy.
What about sex after pregnancy? How soon can I begin having sex again?
It is generally advised that a woman post-pregnancy wait at least two weeks if the delivery was vaginal and six weeks if the birth resulted from a C-section. This is to prevent any potential infection getting into the open wounds inside the uterus. If you are pregnant and are interested in having sex while carrying a baby, talk to your doctor about it and see what special instructions or ideas they may have to help you stay healthy. Following your doctor’s orders can help you and your baby stay safe and can prevent any issues during a healthy pregnancy.