Your Baby’s Development:
Your baby is about nine inches long, roughly the size of an ear of corn, and weighs around a pound and a half now. Some of this weight comes from growing bones and organs, but the majority is precious baby fat. This week your baby’s face is complete, so he or she looks like a tiny version of its newborn self. By this time your baby has developed a type of waking/sleeping pattern and its skin is slowly becoming less translucent as pigment is developed and distributed.
What You Should Expect:
Your uterus is about one to two inches above your belly button now and as it continues to swell it pushes on everything it comes in contact with. This means that between now and the next few weeks, your belly button may turn inside out like a turkey timer this week, but your little bundle is just over halfway finished.
At this point, some mothers begin to experience the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, too. Fluid buildup in your lower extremities redistributes itself once you sit and lay down, creating the added pressure, numbness and discomfort to other joints. Avoid sleeping on your hands and change your position frequently in order to avoid stiffness and tingling.