Most pregnant women fear for the wellbeing of their baby. They want their future child to grow into a healthy one with as few problems as possible. To ensure this happens, many women take certain precautions such as taking prenatal vitamins. Among the various fears women have about their pregnancy is still birth. The possibility that their newborn arrives lifeless is something that creates anxiety for many women. However, it is possible to do a few things to avoid this potential problem.
Understanding a Still Birth
It is important to remember that a still birth may affect any woman, even if she has no risk factors or has not done anything dangerous during the pregnancy. Women who do have risk factors will be closely monitored, especially as they near their delivery date. Should signs point to a potential problem, early delivery and/or a cesarean section may be needed to prevent the complication from arising.
Precautions to Take to Avoid a Still Birth
Paying Attention to Movements
Every pregnant woman should be aware of her baby’s movements. If a woman’s baby stops moving as much as usual or if it entirely stops moving, the woman should immediately see a doctor. It may be necessary to go straight to the hospital. The cessation of movement may be a sign that something is going terribly wrong.
Pursuing a Healthy Lifestyle
To prevent still births, women should exercise regularly. This promotes overall body health and helps the baby as well. Of course, the exercise should not be overdone, and some women may need to consult a physician before beginning any sort of workout plan. Adopting healthy eating habits also helps to reduce the risk of this complication. Healthy eating ensures that both mom and baby get the nutrients they need.
Women should avoid certain habits to prevent a stillborn child. Alcohol consumption and smoking should be ended at least through the duration of pregnancy. Both are harmful to the developing baby. It is also good to take precautions to avoid food poisoning and infection. These may place too much stress on the mother’s body and may also cause harm to the baby. Additionally, medication should only be taken after consulting with a physician, who can determine how safe the medication is.
Visiting your Doctor Regularly
Another important factor in preventing a stillborn baby is attending all appointments with your doctor. The doctor will know what signs to look for, so this is important in ensuring that the baby is developing normally. The doctor will also be able to provide information about how to handle problems that may arise during pregnancy.
There is also research that shows that sleeping on one’s back may be dangerous, especially after the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy. Sleeping on your side is better. Sleeping on the back seems to cut off circulation to the baby, which is not good for even a short period. Sleeping on the side seems to avoid this problem, keeping the baby healthy.
Pregnant women should be wary of vaginal bleeding or discharge. While a small amount of either of these may not be an issue, an abnormally large amount may be indicative of a problem with the baby. It is best to get to a doctor as soon as possible should these symptoms appear either together or apart. The doctor may be able to identify and stop the issue before it becomes too serious.
Finally, women who have had a stillborn child should avoid becoming pregnant again for at least six months. Women who do not wait are more susceptible to anxiety and depression regarding the success of the new pregnancy. Too much anxiety and depression will ultimately increase the chance that the new child will be stillborn. Giving yourself some time to recover is for the benefit of both you and your future child.