A physical condition known as round ligament pain can be especially uncomfortable during pregnancy.
Round Ligament Pain Overview
The round ligaments are bodily structures situated inside one’s pelvic region. These components are attached to the uterus and keep it in place. These soft tissues are typically thick and firm. However, injury or circumstances that place pressure on the abdomen and genital regions might cause these structures to loosen and potentially become overextended. Should this abnormal movement become pronounced, a condition called round ligament pain might ensue.
Physical Manifestations
Typically, the most discernible symptom is pain. Such sensations are typically felt in the lower stomach or groin areas. Discomfort can vary depending upon how significantly the structure is overextended. Moreover, activities, such as exercise, sneezing, coughing, laughing, rising too quickly or any other sudden, sharp movement could exacerbate the problem.
Reasons Pregnancy Complicates the Round Ligament Pain
In most cases, pregnancy most often elicits this malady. As a baby grows, a woman’s abdomen expands, which places undue pressure on the round ligaments. The ailment often does not present itself at least until the second trimester.
When to Consult with a Doctor?
Round ligament pain is considered a normal condition during pregnancy. Usually, the discomfort comes and goes in short bursts and is not cause for serious concern. However, an impacted subject is urged to consider consulting with her healthcare provider if she experiences other more significant accompanying manifestations like long-lasting intense pain, elevated body temperature, difficulty walking or performing any other basic movements, painful urination or chills.
These manifestations might indicate the presence of illnesses like inguinal hernias, appendicitis, infections to various digestive or urinary tract organs or pregnancy complications, including placental abruption or preterm labor.
Potential Treatment Options
It is important to reiterate that many instances of round ligament pain are mild and short-lived. However, more moderate pain might require treatment. Specific therapeutic protocols include:
If the discomfort becomes noticeable or appears frequently, certain over-the-counter pain relievers may alleviate the pain. Pregnant women are strongly cautioned to speak with their doctor to make sure such drugs will not harm either mother or unborn child.
Refrain from Sudden Movements
This is not always possible. However, any sudden, sharp movement can trigger or exacerbate the condition. Moreover, standing or sitting should be performed using a deliberate pace.
Add Heat
Sometimes, warmth can ease associated discomfort. When applicable, impacted subjects can apply a heating pad to afflicted body regions.
Physicians and fitness professionals believe that the ailment’s severity may be lessened through specific stomach exercises. However, effected individuals are encouraged to first speak with healthcare professionals to determine a regiment that does not threaten the health of mother or baby.
Possible Preventative Measures
Medical professionals and pregnancy specialists maintain that round ligament pain could be prevented through the simple act of stretching. Performing certain stretches prompts the body to release a hormone known as relaxin, which is known to lubricate soft tissues and calm but strengthen organs located in the reproductive tract.
That said, pregnant subjects should employ several safety provisions prior to engaging in these exercises. These precautions include wearing loose-fitting clothes, never stretching in intense heat or humidity, staying properly hydrated during and after, adhering to proper posture techniques, moving slowly, holding each stretch for duration’s ranging from 10 to 30 seconds and stopping at any sign of discomfort.