The change of season to fall may present certain challenges for expecting women. However, such issues may be overcome by adhering to several fall pregnancy tips.
Issues the Fall Season Precipitate
Diminished Sunshine
As the fall season progresses, the days have diminished sunlight. Reduced sun exposure means the expecting woman will receive less vitamin D.
Vitamin D is vital during pregnancy. The nutrient plays a crucial role in strengthening the immune system, which lowers both the expecting mother’s and her unborn child’s risk of developing any number of illnesses. Additionally, the chemical aids and expedites the body’s absorption of nutrients like phosphorus and calcium. Such substances are important in ensuring an expecting woman’s muscles and bones remain strong and healthy.
Soon-to-be moms might circumvent these potential pitfalls by spending a greater amount of time outdoors during daylight hours or augmenting their diets with supplements containing vitamin D.
Disrupted Sleep Patterns
During fall, increased darkness coupled with the turning of the clocks back by an hour could cause disrupted sleeping patterns. Less sleep could weaken the immune systems of expecting women, thus heightening their vulnerability to various infections and other ailments.
One of several crucial fall pregnancy tips involves creating an environment that fosters optimal sleep. Expecting women are strongly encouraged to turn off electronic devices prior to retiring for the evening, not eat or drink before bed and identify and set a comfortable sleeping temperature.
Seasonal Health Risks
Fall is often the start of the flu season. Influenza could have serious consequences for expecting women and their babies. Therefore, one of the most important fall pregnancy tips healthcare providers typically offer is to take all necessary health precautions.
Arguably, the most critical action a would-be mom should take is to get a flu shot. This will reduce her chances of contracting the potentially dangerous pathogen. However, other pertinent efforts include attending all scheduled doctor’s appointments, obtaining adequate rest, exercising whenever possible and consuming a healthy, nutritious diet.
Fall Pregnancy Tips
Spend Time Outdoors
Whenever possible, expecting women should spend time outside. That said, this time should be appreciable and not merely a few minutes to catch a few rays of sunlight. Medical professionals maintain that the fresh fall air often helps expecting women to relieve stress and clear their minds. Suggested activities include celebrating Halloween and attending special fall events such as farmer’s markets.
Avoid Inclement Weather
As important as spending time outdoors is, remaining indoors and avoiding inclement weather is also pertinent to a pregnant woman’s safety and well-being. Falls may not only precipitate serious injuries like sprains and bone fractures but could also result in potentially significant pregnancy complications. Ergo, heavy rains, windy conditions, ice and snow should not be ventured out into.
Dress Warmly
One of the sometimes overlooked but nonetheless critical fall pregnancy tips centers on dressing warmly. Though pregnant women occasionally experience excessive warmth, they should never sleep in cool, crisp temperatures. Exposure to chilly air could increase one’s risk of catching annoying but potentially pregnancy-complicating maladies like colds or upper respiratory infections. Therefore, dressing in layers might ameliorate such probabilities.