Many pregnant women have not heard of this essential mineral, even though it plays a critical role in both the health of the developing baby and the health of the mother. There is a lot of misinformation about prenatal supplements, even among doctors and midwives. But manganese is an example of just one nutrient that every pregnant woman should make sure they have in their prenatal vitamin.
Manganese Builds Strong Bones and Tissue
It is used by the body to build strong bones and connective tissues, which are essential for your baby’s development in the womb. It is also used by your body to help metabolize fats, carbohydrates and proteins, as well as support blood sugar regulation in order to keep you energized throughout your pregnancy.
During pregnancy, your bone density decreases due to the increase in calcium needed to support the growth of your baby’s bones. This makes it important for pregnant women to ensure they get enough of it in their diets so they can maintain a healthy bone density throughout their pregnancy.
Helps to Prevent Preterm Labor and Delivery
Manganese is beneficial in helping to prevent preterm labor and delivery. It also helps to reduce the chances of low birth weight. This is vital for both mother and baby alike, as low birth weights can lead to long-term developmental complications. In addition, premature births can cause problems with the lungs and heart as well as immune system development. Moreover, babies who experience preterm labor and delivery have a higher risk of cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a disorder that affects movement and muscle coordination.
Manganese Helps to Ensure a Low-risk Pregnancy
When it comes to preventing premature separation of the placenta, this mineral plays a very important role. It does this by activating several vital factors that are involved in blood coagulation. These coagulation factors include protein C and protein S. Protein C and its cofactor, protein S, are critical factors in preventing blood clots from forming in healthy individuals. In an expectant mother, this is particularly important because blood clotting is one of the first stages of placental abruption. By keeping these proteins at optimal levels, the expectant mother’s body is better able to prevent clots from forming in her uterus or other organs. When there are no clots, there is less chance of any sort of damage occurring to the placenta or any other surrounding tissues.
Helps in the Production of Fatty Acids
Manganese is an essential mineral that is required to produce fatty acids. Fatty acids are used by your body to build cell membranes, maintain cell membrane fluidity and make hormones. These functions are essential to overall health and proper growth and development.
Fatty acid synthesis is a complex metabolic process that requires multiple enzymes. This mineral is needed as a cofactor for one of these enzymes: manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD). MnSOD breaks down superoxide radicals (free radicals) produced during the fatty acid synthesis process.
Manganese Is Essential for Normal Brain Function
Manganese serves as a cofactor for the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) catalyzes the conversion of superoxide radicals to hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is then further metabolized to water by catalase or glutathione peroxidase. Superoxide radicals are generated as a natural byproduct of metabolism but can cause significant damage to cell structures if not promptly detoxified. Thus, SOD plays a vital role in protecting cells from oxidative damage.
Improves Blood Sugar Levels
Blood sugar levels depend on the amount of food you eat and the type of food. Different foods include fats, carbohydrates, proteins and sugar. All these affect the blood sugar level in different ways. High blood sugar level is dangerous in pregnancy because it can be harmful to the fetus. The reason behind this is that it may make the baby bigger than usual, which can result in a more complicated labor and delivery.
Why Take Manganese During Pregnancy?
Manganese helps to keep your glucose levels balanced, especially when you are diabetic. This is because it helps to regulate the enzymes that produce insulin, which helps in breaking down glucose. Therefore, if you have a deficiency of this mineral, then your blood sugar levels will not be properly regulated.
Manganese is a crucial nutrient that can have a significant effect on fetal development. Maintaining an appropriate intake of this mineral will help reduce the risk of negative effects, such as birth defects, and ensure that your child will be in good health at birth. Knowing how to increase your intake of this mineral during pregnancy is important for both mother and child.