Stretch marks appear as lines across your skin. They’re caused by constant tension, which pulls your collagen fibers tighter than normal. If you’re pregnant and want to prevent these marks from appearing, read on for some tips that can help you combat this common side effect of pregnancy.
During pregnancy, the stress on the dermal layer causes it to become translucent, making it look like delicate lines. These linear marks may be faint, pink or purple. Your skin constantly stretches and contracts, causing it to have a different texture and thickness than other body parts.
Stay Hydrated to Prevent Stretch Marks
If you’re dehydrated during pregnancy, the skin on your belly experiences increased tension. This can result in marks appearing on your skin. Drinking plenty of water is among the best ways to prevent the marks. Not only will this prevent the linear marks, but it will also keep you healthy and encourage the proper functioning of your body.
Get Enough Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an essential antioxidant that can help reduce the risk of stretch marks. It also boosts your immunity, giving you an added nutritional boost during pregnancy. During this time, you should aim to consume foods rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, broccoli and papaya. You can obtain your daily dose of vitamin C by adding fresh fruits to your diet.
Incorporate More Zinc in Your Food
Zinc is an important mineral that helps prevent the marks from appearing. It’s necessary to include more zinc-rich foods in your diet during pregnancy, as it is the most depleted nutrient during this time. Foods high in zinc include whole grain cereals, fish, nuts, orange juice, and vegetables like cauliflower, beans and tofu.
Do a Belly Massage
Doing a daily belly massage can prevent the skin from becoming too tight, potentially reducing the appearance of these marks. Massaging your belly twice a day can help relax your skin and prevent it from becoming too tight. This can help prevent your skin from becoming too sensitive, potentially reducing your risk of developing stretch marks.
Eat Well-Balanced Meals
Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet during pregnancy can help you stay healthy and prevent stretch marks. Make sure you consume foods rich in iron, as this is important during pregnancy as you need to replenish your exhausted blood cells to avoid anemia, which can cause these marks. Make sure you consume foods rich in fiber, as this can help you stay regular and prevent constipation, which can also cause your skin to become too tight.
Don’t Forget to Exercise
Exercise helps you stay healthy and fit, prevent an increase in weight gain and keep your metabolism high, preventing you from gaining excess weight and, ultimately, stretch marks. The increase in blood flow during exercise triggers the release of oxygenated blood, which nourishes your skin cells. This results in healthier skin cells and less risk of these marks. Pregnancy is when your body needs more energy than usual, so you must be active every day.
Control Your Weight
If you carry excess weight during pregnancy, you may risk developing stretch marks. Ensure you maintain a healthy weight throughout your pregnancy. Excess body fat can cause your skin to become too tight, potentially increasing your risk of developing stretch marks. Try to incorporate more protein-rich foods in your diet, as it can help build muscle, help burn off any extra calories and prevent you from gaining excess weight, which can cause your skin to become too tight.
Treat New Stretch Marks Using a Cream
Some creams can be used topically to treat and prevent the marks. These creams reduce the intensity of the pigmentation change in the skin. Many brands make stretch mark creams so that you can find one suitable for you. These creams are used for exfoliating the skin, shrinking elasticity and promoting cellular turnover.
It’s important to remember that pregnancy is not just a bump in the road. It’s a significant life change that can be both exciting and challenging. Stretch marks during pregnancy are common and can appear on any skin type. The sooner you start preventing the marks while pregnant, the better the outcome. Preventing them is more straightforward than treating them, and it doesn’t require surgery, medications or lotions, which may be expensive.