Before bringing a new baby home, there are many things to consider. One of the first, though, should be the safety of a baby’s car seat.
What Is Important To Know About a Child’s Car Safety Seat?
A car seat will provide safety for a child coming home from the hospital, as well as during their first years of life. Because traveling in a vehicle will likely be a part of the child’s daily life, a car seat will be an essential item. But what are your options? And how do you choose? One of the most important things is correct installation. It is estimated that over 79 percent of car safety seats being used are not properly installed, which significantly increases a child’s chance of being harmed if they’re in a car accident.
This type of car safety seat is very common. Because it is mostly made out of energy-absorbing foam, your baby will feel comfortable and safe while using it. Rear-facing car seats also come with a harness that moves with your baby, which decreases the stress on your baby’s body that results from the vehicle’s movement. This type of car seat will also have a latch option, making it possible to leave the base of the seat in the vehicle while the seat is removed and placed in stroller frames or carried somewhere. This convenient option makes it possible for your child to be easily transported from a car with no need to always buckle and unbuckle the seat. Based on studies conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration as well as the American Academy of Pediatrics, it is recommended a rear-facing child safety seat be used until the child reaches two or three years old.
Although the sizes of these seats are bigger than that of standard infant seats, it is possible to use these in forward-facing as well as rear-facing positions. They will require a child to be buckled and unbuckled when moving in and out of a vehicle, which means there is no separate carrying feature with these seats. Despite that, parents like them as they can be used after the initial few months of a baby’s life.
These are made specifically for older children and not infants. When shopping for one, it is important to not buy a forward-facing only seat for an infant.
These are simple seats designed to provide an older child with a boost to have them at seatbelt height, which provides the necessary safety. Booster seats raise up the child so a seatbelt can fit across their upper thighs and sternum.
These seats are the perfect choice for parents who want a seat they can simply adjust as their child grows. They are designed to serve as both rear- and forward-facing. Plus, it is also possible for them to be used as a booster seat when the child is old enough to use this option. Most all-in-one car seats are made so the base remains in the vehicle.
Because a newborn is unable to hold their head up on their own, having a child safety seat that provides proper head support is essential. These seats should have an insert built into them to provide this type of support.
Considering a five-point harness is important when buying a child safety seat. Having straps that don’t require difficult adjustments, as well as buckles that easily latch and unlatch are crucial.
A good child safety seat will have sufficient padding around the neck, head and spine areas. This makes them safer as well as comfortable. Before purchasing a car seat, research any consumer complaints about insufficient side-impact protection.
When looking for a car safety seat, a parent needs to remember their child will be in a rear-facing one for at least two years. It is recommended these seats be purchased from a store rather than found at a yard sale or provided by relatives. Innovations and design improvements are made on these seats each year, so a used seat may have padding that is not as effective as well as plastic that is old and brittle. This will significantly decrease the safety it can provide.
One of the most important things a parent can do for their child is to keep them safe when traveling in a vehicle. Young children are extremely vulnerable to injury and even death during a vehicle accident. With the use of a proper car safety seat, you will have a peace of mind that your child is secure in the backseat. There are many things to consider when choosing a child safety seat, and parents should take their time to learn which one is best for their situation. This will ensure their children are always safe when traveling in a vehicle.