There’s a lot that you need to do during the second trimester of pregnancy. Use our guide to help you get ready for your baby well before his or her arrival.
Decide If You Want to Find Out the Baby’s Sex
You will probably be able to find out the sex of the baby at this point in your pregnancy. This will allow you to buy baby items that are gender-specific, and it may make it easier to decide on the baby’s name.
Schedule Childbirth Classes
You’ll want to start taking childbirth classes at this point. It’s better to take them now before you get too big for them to be comfortable. You and your partner will learn a lot during these classes, and they will make you feel more prepared for the day of your baby’s birth. You’ll learn things about what the actual birthing process is like and ways to manage your pain during labor.
Figure Out Your Finances
Babies can be expensive, and you need to sit down with your partner to figure out how you’ll be able to afford all of these added expenses. Even if you feel financially comfortable having a baby, you still need to think about things like the cost of health insurance for your child and a college fund. If you’ll be taking maternity leave, you will need to factor this into your finances as well. You may receive a pay cut during this time, or you might not get paid at all. This is the perfect time to start planning for this and setting some money aside that you can use during your maternity leave.
Research Childcare Providers
If you will be going back to work after you have the baby, it’s imperative to look for childcare as soon as possible. It can be difficult to find care for a newborn. Start visiting daycares or interviewing nannies. Even if you don’t plan on going back to work, you should still look into childcare options for babysitters or mother’s helpers that you can rely on if you need some sort of childcare on occasion.
Begin Doing Exercises That Are Suitable for Women in Their Second Trimester
Being fit can help you throughout your pregnancy and during labor and delivery. Talk to your doctor about exercises that are safe to do during your second trimester. You should also begin doing Kegel exercises. They can reduce the likelihood of getting hemorrhoids, and they help prevent incontinence.
Make a List of Baby Names
It’s a great time to start trying to figure out what you’ll name the baby. You and your partner should sit down to make a list of baby names that you both like. You might be surprised to find that it’s not as easy to come up with a name as you thought it would be, and it could take some time.
Start Getting the Nursery Prepared
You may want to wait until you have your baby shower to start on the nursery. However, there is a lot that you should do now so that you aren’t waiting until the last minute to get everything done. You can decide on a theme, have your partner paint the room or figure out where larger items should go.
Create Your Baby Registry
You probably have many people in your life that want to buy something for your baby. Because of this, you should make a baby registry so that they can easily see what you need. It’s a good idea to register at local stores as well as stores where your loved ones can purchase items online.
Buy Items for Your Hospital Bag
It is the perfect time to start buying items for your hospital bag. You don’t want to wait until the third trimester to pack it as there’s always a chance that the baby can come early. If you aren’t sure what to pack, talk to other moms to find out what they recommend. Toiletries, comfortable clothes and slippers are all good starting points.
If you are in your second trimester of pregnancy, there’s a lot that you need to do before the baby gets here. By utilizing the to-do list above, you can be prepared for your new little bundle of joy well before his or her arrival.