Experiencing muscle cramps during pregnancy can be upsetting. There are certain situations where it may be a concern, but it could also be part of the baby’s growth.
Women know the first couple of months of their pregnancy will involve aches and pains. Their body is changing to accommodate a growing baby. Certain pains can be scary because many fear they could be a sign of something wrong with their baby. This is often the case if women experience abdominal cramps. It is important to know the difference from normal pain caused by a baby’s development and pain that may be a sign that a woman should contact her physician.
First Trimester
It is common for women to experience cramping during the first trimester. There are certain circumstances when a physician should be contacted:
- Cramping is combined with a headache so severe that it affects the woman’s vision
- Cramping continues to be experienced after the initial six weeks and before reaching week twelve
- It causes extreme swelling in the woman’s feet and hands
- Cramping involves sharp pain, as well as bleeding
- Urination is a struggle
Second Trimester
During this time, it is more common to experience discomfort and cramping. Many women later in their second trimester will experience Braxton-Hicks contractions. This happens as a woman’s uterus tightens for having labor. If a woman continues to experience sharp pains, she should consider standing or walking around. Warm showers have also helped some women. Braxton-Hicks contractions often lessen with drinking sufficient amounts of water and maintaining good hydration.
As a baby develops, women will often experience a substantial increase in gas and constipation. This will cause more abdominal cramps. It is recommended that pregnant women determine if the foods they’re eating are the cause of their painful gas. Many pregnant women have had success eating smaller meals more frequently to get the necessary calories.
Third Trimester
Women realize that when their third trimester arrives, the level of their discomfort will increase.
The number of Braxton-Hicks contractions increases. This is especially true for women who have had previous pregnancies.
During this time, there are certain things a woman needs to be aware of:
- Contractions, as well as cramps, that are longer than an hour or occur closer together
- Pain when bleeding occurs
- Sharp pain
Abdominal cramps during the third trimester can’t be ignored. Preterm labor could occur at any time. It is best to be have an understanding of these cramps to know if this occurs and to immediately see a physician.
Abdominal Muscle Cramps
During pregnancy, there are medical issues that can occur and result in abdominal cramps. In some cases, it involves kidney stones, gallstones, appendicitis and more. These are medical conditions that are more of a challenge to detect when a woman is pregnant. Should a woman experience any of these issues, she should immediately contact her physician.
If a woman feels something isn’t right, or if she experiences intense abdominal pain during any trimester, it is time to talk to a doctor. The physician can identify the cause of the abdominal cramping and do what is necessary to protect the developing baby.
Leg Cramps
Involuntary contractions of muscles at the back of a person’s calf are cramps. It is common for them to occur at night. Many pregnant women experience leg cramps, but it isn’t understood why they occur. There are a variety of theories about why they happen. Should a pregnant woman suddenly wake up with a painful muscle spasm, it is usually not a concern. If it is affecting her sleep, however, she should discuss the situation with a health-care provider.
Leg Cramp Pain Relief
When experiencing a muscle spasm, it is recommended the calf be massaged and the foot flexed. Pregnant women have also had success lifting their toes and pushing their heel out. Others have gotten relief by standing on a hard floor and lifting their toes as they stretch their calf muscles. Pregnant women attempting this are advised to hold on to something to maintain balance.
There are times during a woman’s pregnancy when the muscle cramps she is experiencing could cause concern. This is often the case with women who are pregnant for the first time. In most cases, the cramps will be part of the baby’s growing. There are also times when they could be a real issue. Women who are pregnant will always want to know the difference.