Holidays are the perfect time to enjoy and have fun with family and friends around you. Pregnancy, however, sometimes keeps the mother-to-be away from the fun, and that can cause low moods. That’s why pregnant women should take extra care of themselves during the holiday season.
Pregnancy is a beautiful period for some women and therefore expectant women should avoid situations that might injure or harm them. During this time, you should take extra care and avoid danger. Before going into the holiday season, make sure that you check with your doctor on what activities you can partake in and what modes of transport are safe for you.
Food and Drinks
When pregnant, you should always be aware of what you are consuming. You should avoid foods that make you feel nauseous and uncomfortable. Make sure that you ask the host of the party or the event what they are serving to make sure they will be safe for you and your child. In any case, you should avoid raw milk products such as certain types of cheese, raw meat and raw fish, as well as uncooked eggs. When in doubt, bring your own Tupperware of snacks to a party—those around you will understand. Also, make sure that the food is healthy, and never starve yourself. If you crave certain foods, ask your doctor if they would recommend or allow it.
Do not under any circumstance drink alcohol during pregnancy. It is not good for you or for the baby, as it has adverse effects like fetal alcohol syndrome on the child growing in your belly.
Uncomfortable Questions
During the holidays, people in your family may ask you irritating and uncomfortable questions. They might constantly ask you if you know the due date or whether you are having a girl or a boy. They will probably even comment on how much weight you have gained during pregnancy. Others feel the need to suggest potential baby names or give you unsolicited parenting advice. During such times, try to put on a smile and change the subject without causing trouble. Have a few topics at the ready for these occasions.
Health Problems
Having health problems during the holiday season can be scary and stressful. To avoid them from happening, ask your doctor what foods you should eat during that time. You should monitor your weight gain during and even after pregnancy to avoid health issues. Some health issues could be detrimental to your condition. Make sure that through your pregnancy, you preserve your routine.
Pregnancy Fears
Many expectant women fear having to give birth in public. If the water breaks in public, the woman can go into panic mode, as things have not gone according to plan. If you are traveling away from home, brainstorm a few backup plans in the case that this happens. Planning ahead may help you stay calmer and get you to the hospital quicker. Another pregnancy scare is a miscarriage away from your home and hospital. Miscarriage is a scary experience that can happen. It is essential that you scout out the nearest hospital first every time you visit a new location in case of any eventualities. These plans are to help you prepare for whatever happens.
Weight Gain
Weight gain in pregnancy is normal, and during the holidays, it is expected that almost everyone adds on a bit of weight. Weight gain shouldn’t stop you in nourishing your body with the much-needed nutrients. Eat what your body wants. Remember that the nutrients you intake will be used in your body to ensure your little one grows up healthy and happy. Any unwanted weight gained during the pregnancy can be lost by exercising and eating healthy after giving birth to your child.
It is important to take good care of your overall health during the holiday with your pregnancy. Ensure that your baby is safe during the duration of your holiday and prioritize the safety of the baby. Take your supplements and most importantly, follow the guidelines from your doctor. Have fun during the holiday season with your loved ones and stay healthy for you and your baby.