While pregnancy tends to come with many to do lists and a lot of preparation, why not make a bucket list along the way! A pregnancy bucket list can be filled with exciting ways to celebrate your growing baby bump. Here is a list of fun ideas to enjoy doing before your due date!
Take Weekly Bump Photos
This is a fun way to keep track of how your body, more specifically your bump, changes on a weekly basis throughout your pregnancy! You may not notice a difference each week, but when you look back on them you will be able to follow your journey all over again. You can also include fun things such as your cravings, aversions, weight gained, inches grown, or even the size of your baby that week.
Take Up Journaling
Try and find some time to write about your pregnancy. You can write about your feelings and emotions as you are growing life inside of you. You can write daily, weekly, or monthly depending on how much you enjoy it.
Document your milestones in your journal. Write about when you feel your baby’s first kicks, your cravings, your doctor appointments, or even your morning sickness. Make sure to write an entry every time that you get to see your baby on an ultrasound and record how they have changed.
Write Letters to Your Baby
Consider writing letters to your baby throughout your pregnancy. You could write when you hear their heartbeat for the first time, find out their gender, have an ultrasound, after your baby shower, or even a few weeks before delivery.
These could be great additions to a baby book that your little will get to enjoy and cherish one day.
Enjoy Some “Me” Time
You are growing a whole human being in there, take some time out of your busy day to pamper yourself! Why not book a pedicure or a prenatal massage? You can spend some time relaxing and cherishing your growing baby.
Treating yourself to some beauty appointments will help you to feel more confident in your skin. You might even want to book a haircut and style a few weeks before your delivery if you are doing maternity pictures. Enjoy this time now, because once your baby arrives you will likely be too busy for a while.
Book a Maternity Shoot
You will want to schedule this during your third trimester. Most photographers recommend sometime around 30 to 36 weeks. This way you are far enough along that you have a noticeable bump, but well enough before your due date to still move comfortably.
Many photographers offer package deals that include a Fresh 48 or newborn photos. Just make sure to have a discussion with your photographer so that you know what to expect from your shoot.
Enjoy Some Date Nights
Pregnancy is a wonderful time to connect even deeper with your partner. This will help to get them just as excited as you are for your new arrival. Plan out some dates where you can get all dressed up just the two of you or get away for a few days on a vacation.
Once your baby arrives it will be harder to go on impromptu dates as you will need to schedule a sitter and you may not be as willing to stay up late.
If you feel as if your to-do list is too daunting to go out on a date, why not make your baby shopping into a fun day together?
Enjoy a Girls Day
Call up some of your girlfriends and get together. This could be going out for pedicures, shopping, or a quick little trip out of town!
If any of you already have children, consider leaving them at home so that you can enjoy some serious girl time. It is a great way to connect with your best friends before your due date.
Go on a Babymoon
Much like a honeymoon, a babymoon is a last big adventure to celebrate before your baby arrives. You will find that traveling is a lot more complicated when children arrive, especially if you are trying to explore without them.
Think of somewhere that you and your partner have wanted to go and make it happen. Even if you can only spare a few days away from work, you will thank yourself for it later.
Make a Mom/Bump Friend
Sometimes pregnancy can feel like a long and lonely journey. Try and find a friend who has just had a baby or is pregnant too. You can bond over your symptoms or what is to come once the baby arrives.
You will have someone to talk to that will understand what you are going through and perhaps be able to offer some advice when needed. No one can fully empathize as best as someone who is going through the same thing as you are.
Rock your Pregnancy Mama!
Enjoy your pregnancy! If there is something that you find yourself wanting to do, make it happen. Remember that your little one will be here before you know it and you can’t get these days back. Savor those special baby kicks and glowing skin now, so that you can remember these fond memories in the future.