Pregnancy brings about many changes in your body. Not all of these are pleasant. Fortunately, there are some things you can use to ensure your comfort.
Here are some of the best things to carry around with you to make you more comfortable throughout your nine months as you eagerly await your baby’s birth. You can pack these in your purse or a separate bag or stash them in your car.
Create an Emergency Pregnancy Bag
During your first trimester, you will probably be battling morning sickness, heartburn and/or gas pretty regularly. You can create an emergency bag to throw in your purse or car just in case you start to feel off. You can carry antacids, mint candy or gum and even ginger ale just in the event of such an emergency.
Keep Snacks at Arm’s Length
It’s normal to have cravings when you’re pregnant, no matter what trimester you’re in. Keep non-perishable snacks in your bag or in your car’s glove compartment so that you can just reach over and nosh whenever a craving hits you. Things like granola bars and low-sodium chips are great choices.
Carry a Wrist Band and Other Support Bands
During pregnancy, your joints definitely seem weaker and more prone to injury. You may simply be walking and twist your wrist while shifting your purse from one arm to the other. For this very reason, it’s a good idea to pack a wrist band and another similar type of support band for joints. You never know when you might tweak something and feel a twinge of pain.
Carry Extra Panties in Your Purse
By the time you’re in your third month of pregnancy, you never know what might happen. You have a higher risk of laughing and accidentally having some pee sneak out, leaving you with wet panties. Just for such an emergency, you should carry an extra pair of clean panties in your purse. If you’re in a place where you can change your clothes, you’ll be glad to have those fresh undies.
Carry a Travel Toothbrush and Toothpaste
Whether you’re in the throes of morning sickness early in your pregnancy or you simply want to practice better oral hygiene—something that’s especially important for pregnant women—you should pack a travel toothbrush and toothpaste in your bag. You’ll probably be battling an unpleasant taste in your mouth often enough, so being able to brush your teeth so that your breath is minty fresh is a must. You may also want to toss in dental floss as well.
Pack Sunscreen in Your Purse
This goes for everyone planning on going out in the sun, but you should pack a bottle of sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Use it generously to protect yourself and your baby against the sun’s harmful UV rays and reapply it whenever you’re outside in bright sunlight for longer than two hours.
Carry Lotion With You
You may also want to tote a gentle lotion to soothe dry skin. This is especially important during the cooler seasons of the year. You may find that your skin is even more sensitive during your pregnancy, so moisturizing with lotion can definitely help.
Carry a Water Bottle
You must stay hydrated at all times when you’re pregnant, which means you should always carry a water bottle with you wherever you go. This is one of the top items you should have in your emergency kit. The best kinds are those that are washable and reusable. If they come with straws, it is easier to simply take a sip of your beverage even if you’re driving. You may want a second one with a lid to protect against spills.
If you’re not a fan of plain water, you can also carry flavor packets to add. They can give your water a punch and get you more excited about drinking it.
These items can help you feel better throughout your pregnancy. You’ll always be prepared no matter what the situation.