Find the best creative bump photo ideas to document your pregnancy before your due date. You can include your loved ones in some of them.
Creative Bump Photo Ideas
Time-Lapse Photos
Try to recreate the same photo as best as you can every week. Keep outfit, hair, pose and location consistent. By the time the baby arrives, you’ll have a collection that shows off the slowly growing baby bump.
Belly Bump
This photo can be taken with a significant other or a child. Both people need to lift their shirts over their bellies. You can either actually bump tummies or just lean in like you’re about to.
Before and After
One of the sweetest maternity poses is the before and after. Take a photo from the side profiling the baby bump as close to full-term as possible. Once the baby arrives, recreate the photo. Try to keep as many things as consistent as possible. Cradle the baby where your baby bump was.
Toddler Seat
If you have a toddler whom you want to include in your creative bump photos, this is the cutest pose. Pick up your toddler and have them straddle the baby bump as if they’re sitting on it. Support the toddler’s bottom so you don’t put too much pressure on the baby bump and enjoy a cute little peek-a-boo bump photo as a result.
Artists, show off your skills or the skills of a loved one. Either do some henna tattoos or use body paint to decorate the baby bump while exhibiting some talent at the same time.
The silhouette is perhaps the most breathtaking maternity picture. The easiest way to create this photo at home is in front of a well-lit window with sheer curtains. Make sure to wear all black, fitted clothing. Set the exposure for the brightest part of the photo.
Show off those who love your little one before their arrival with kiss pictures. Have your older kid(s) or significant other get on the level as your bump. Have them look at your bump instead of the camera.
Wear a flowy dress or skirt and take advantage of that windy day. Stand facing the wind so your hair and clothes are both being blown behind you. Have the photo taken from a 45-degree angle for optimal results.
Balloon Gender Reveal
Use a white background, balloons and outfits for the best effect. Add one pink or blue balloon to subtly reveal the gender of the baby on the way.
Lie on your back and spell out the baby’s name in wooden blocks on your bump. Caress your bump to help support the blocks.
Use your nursery to show off how you’re growing your home at the same time as your bump.
Use the letter L, V and E as props. Your bump can replace the O to spell out “love.” You hold the L. Your partner and/or kids can hold the V and E.
Food Baby
Apps and websites will often compare a baby to the size of certain foods. Take photos with the appropriately sized foods next to your bump to get an idea as to how big the baby is.
Show off your baby’s features and your bump by including a 3D ultrasound picture in your bump picture.
Heart Hands
Use one of your hands and one of your partner’s hands to create a heart on your baby bump.
Feature baby’s first shoes in a pregnancy announcement photo or in front of your bump later in the pregnancy.
Furry Friend
If you have a pet who is in love with the baby bump, document it. Snap a picture of them lying on your tummy.
Love, Marriage…
Use a chalkboard to write out “love, marriage and a baby carriage.” Write out when you started dating, when you got married and your due date.
Black & White
Take a comfy pic in black and white so the photo looks as comfortable as you feel.
Long Distance
For partners who are away, have them on a video call for parts of the session or use their picture as a prop.
Get the whole family lined up and lift your shirts to compare bellies.
Milk Bath
Fill the tub with milk to get the gorgeous milk bath photos. Add flowers for a feminine touch.
Take advantage of local scenery and the current season for beautiful pictures.
Get the whole family in on a bump snuggle, but make sure not to cover up the bump too much.
Tin Can
Make a tin can telephone to use as a prop. Pretend the baby and older sibling are talking through it.
Drape a favorite onesie or coming home outfit over the baby bump.
Sports Fans
Get yourself and your partner in matching jerseys. Cradle your bump and your partner can cradle a ball.
Take photos with the foods you’ve been craving for added sentimental value.
Story Time
Read your favorite children’s book in one of your pictures.
If you’re expecting a rainbow baby, paint a rainbow across your bump to celebrate the coming baby and remember the one(s) you lost.
Creative bump photos may be hard to come up with, but they’re easy to achieve with these ideas. With your cute maternity photos, you’ll remember your pregnancy for the rest of your life.