When it comes to pregnancy announcement themes, cartoon characters and shows can be a fun route to use in announcement cards, photoshoots and social media posts.
While the ideal announcement will not only announce the baby’s imminent arrival but also predicted date and possibly shower information, some mothers want more than mere words on a piece of paper. For the cartoon route, this involves picking a character or group of characters and just having fun with the theme.
Three Thematic Routes to Take
Depending on which character you choose, there are three basic themes you could go with: cutesy, fun, evil. “Cutesy” themes are pretty simple: The character says something cute which leads into the announcement. This is where you can pull out all of the more attractive fonts, use pink and other bright colors to your heart’s content, and generally have fun with hearts and balloons. This is great for first-time mothers, especially those bored of more ordinary pregnancy announcement ideas.
“Fun” themes can take one of two paths, the “I cannot believe this is happening” and “Here we go again” paths, and tend to use characters that are more world-weary and the fonts tend to be either comical if using silly characters and humor, or a bit more prosaic if you use more realistic babies, cribs, and even hearts for graphics. Fun themes are perfect for those that may be nervous about becoming first-time parents or are preparing their household for another baby to add into the everyday chaos, and just want to have some fun before all of the pregnancy symptoms kick in and the planning and sleepless nights begin.
The “evil” themes can be especially fun, and no, this doesn’t mean you are raising the next wicked witch or evil king, it just means you’re going a fun unique route. The key to making the evil theme work is to pick a character who is associated with motherhood and evil, and mock them a bit. Or if you have a solid group of friends and family with a dark sense of humor, you can even play into the character’s poor parenting traits of eating it, sacrificing it, or even leaving it in the woods. As we mentioned before, this really only works for mothers who have a group of friends with a dark sense of humor, pulling this route with the wrong group of family or friends may leave them feeling more concerned than excited for you. When done with the right group, it can be one of the most fun pregnancy announcement ideas to pull off, if done right.
The Best Disney Characters Mother-Figures
For your pregnancy announcement ideas, you need to seriously debate which characters you will use. While top characters such as Mickey, Pluto and the Disney princesses provide traditional fun and nostalgia, some of the best characters are actually the mothers, both good and evil. While everyone wants to use the young princesses, these young women just do not seem to have the same level of gravitas the older characters have, which can add to any potential humor factor. This means that Mrs. Cobblepot (Beauty and the Beast), Mother Gothel (Tangled), Lady Tremaine (Cinderella), and the three Fairy Godmothers (Sleeping Beauty) are the best bets, with Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty), Kanga (Winnie the Pooh), Ms. Davis (Toy Story), and The Queen (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) winning all of the bonus points for humor and evil theme potential. For younger mothers, Nani (Lilo and Stitch) is worth noting.
The Top Pixar Moms
Pixar mothers seem to be few and far between, but that does not mean that there are no great mothers in this cartoon line up to choose from. Better yet, they are more diverse than other cartoon companies giving a mother-to-be more options. You can obviously use Helen Parr (The Incredibles), Lady Elinor (Brave), Jill Anderson (Inside Out) or Daniela Paguro (Luca) can also work. The Queen Ant (A Bug’s Life) is a natural choice, especially considering her vast experience in the area, but do not forget about Coco’s Mama Imelda or Onward’s Laurel Lightfoot. For some really interesting jokes, the mother from Bao can be truly inspirational, especially for those whose children will be cute enough to eat.
Other Animated Mothers
Animated mothers are a rare breed, but there are some options to choose from if you’re searching for that mother-figure to include in your announcement. Looney Tune’s provides Granny which can work especially well if you are promoting parents to the role of grandparents. Other popular animated mother-figures include Wilma Flinstone and Betty Bubble (The Flinstones), Marge Simpson (The Simpsons), Lois Griffin (Family Guy), Dr. Ann Possible (Kim Possible), Jane Jetson (The Jetsons), Helen Morgendorffer (Daria), and Trudy Proud (The Proud Family).
For those looking for something from anime, the options are easier to find. Buma and Chi-Chi (Dragon Ball) are the best to use, especially as they exemplify motherhood. For those wanting something more culturally relevant, Pokemon’s Delia Ketchum can be fun, as can My Academia’s Inko Midorya. For those with non-traditional families, Full Metal Alchemist’s Izumi Curtis will definitely fit the bill.
Pregnancy Announcement Ideas by Character:
Mrs. Cobblepot (aka Mrs. Potts): For those looking for something cute, Mrs. Cobblepot is great go-to mother character. When sharing a bump photo or ultrasound image share the quote, “There may be something there that wasn’t there before.” For mothers who already have children, especially if they already have a little boy, including Chip can make for some darling interaction on your announcement. Have the two make the announcement combined with some mother/son interaction for maximum effect.
Three Fairy Godmothers: For those looking for just the extra fairy tale touch, having the three discussing your announcement, possibly suggesting good wishes for the baby such as a good life, great friends, and a fun childhood. This can also be a fun theme to include if you have a family member or friend who is being promoted to godmother or if you are wanting to have some fun with gender guesses by including the battle of “make it pink” and “make it blue.”
Maleficent: While playing off of the evil-themed pregnancy announcement ideas, sometimes you just want to have fun and Maleficent offers some great opportunities for those who want to have some delicious fun with their announcement. Play up the camp elements and the announcement will go over like gangbusters. Using Maleficent quotes such as “I swear, no harm will come to you as long as I live. And not a day shall pass that I don’t miss your smile,” “hello beastie” and “curious little beastie” can be a fun way to introduce your news.
Lilo & Stitch’s Nani: While not a mother in the traditional sense, Nani is great for those looking for ways to express just how unprepared the mother-to-be is feeling, or how she is preparing for the new role. This can be especially cute going with a Lilo & Stitch theme of “Ohana means family….and ours is growing.”
The Incredibles’ Helen Parr: Some mothers know their children are special, and the mother of the Incredibles knows exactly how special children can be, what with three super-powered children. Some mothers are worried about the future of their children, and Elastigirl can help deal with those worries and announce the special news with captions such as “Incredible mom to be,” “something incredible is coming,” and for households gaining baby number two; “every superhero needs a sidekick.”
Mother Gothel: Another of the fun or even evil pregnancy announcement ideas for those who just want to play with a villain-style announcement is this Tangled gem. Exaggerate her desire for eternal life and mother’s power grab with the repeated quote, “mother knows best,” or a humorous angle with the quote, “Oh, great, now I’m the bad guy.”
Cinderella’s Lady Tremaine and the Fairy Godmother: While another evil-themed option, an exaggerated Lady Tremaine is great for those who want to play with how useful having another child around can be. This is actually a great pregnancy announcement idea for mothers worried about how their new child will fit in to an already busy household, and Lady Tremaine can tell them in a dark and humorous manner, exactly how well the child will do exactly that. Playing off of the Cinderella theme, a way to turn this into a cutesy approach is to use the fairy godmother as the lead character and include quotes such as “and they lived happily ever after” or a modified option of “bibbidi bobbidi bump.” For pregnancies that have taken a while to occur, using the quote “even miracles take a little time,” can be especially heartwarming.
Brave’s Lady Elinor: This can be a very fun option for couples who love adventure. Using the mama bear concept or the adventure theme in general. You can even play off of the movie’s line, “there’s just no telling how far I’ll grow” when sharing a bump photo to announce the news.
Toy Story’s Ms. Davis – When it comes to supporting your kid’s childhood games, Andy’s mom takes the cake. Include some Toy Story fun playing on the concept of having toys everywhere and a set of toys that baby will grow up with. If this is baby number two, include some fun with test announcing to your current child “you’ve got a friend in me.”
Pixar’s Queen Ant: While an interesting character to play with, she can be great fun for mothers who have large families already and want to play off that by announcing the addition of another ant to the colony.
Bao’s Mother: Some mothers say that their children are cute enough to eat, and this is the ultimate expression of that. Play up how cute babies are and that you could just eat them up, and Bao’s mother can be a fun way of expressing this, and even your worries about the pregnancy.
Coco’s Mama Imelda: While a very unique choice, whether you want to express the duality of life and death, or simply have a culturally unique announcement, this mother from Coco’s afterlife is a great way to subtly express both. Include baby items such as onsides that say “I make mama un poco loco,” or use a cute quote as a message to baby, “never forget how much your family cares for you.”
Winnie the Pooh’s Kanga: Hop into traditional Winnie the Pooh fun with the loving Kanga and baby Roo taking center stage as your theme and including any cute and loving quotes such as; “our greatest adventure begins [due date]”, “a smallish bundle of love is making its debut,” “getting ready for something nice, like a warm hug.”
Looney Tunes and Granny: If you want to share a special announcement with parents who will become grandparents, include Granny to share the big news. If you choose to go the Looney Tunes route, including the baby version of the characters is the perfect announcement theme. For multiple children households, using the line “that’s all folks” can be a fun and humorous way of announcing the last baby.
Buma and Chi-Chi: Some mothers want to maintain a career while having their children, and nothing expresses that better than this mother from Dragon Ball Z. While she appears to be an interesting choice, Buma was able to run her business even while caring for her child, making her one of the better pregnancy announcement ideas for career mothers. The opposite in many ways of Buma, Chi-Chi is the mother bear of all mothers, willing to protect her child from anyone attempting to mess with her child. She makes a great character to encourage mothers to defend their child-to-be no matter what. With both options, you can include baby fun with options such as “future Z warrior” or give your announcement with a short line of “just Saiyan….Z warrior coming soon.”
Delia Ketchum: The mother from Pokemon supports her child no matter what; as a lot of mothers aspire to be the mother who is behind their child no matter what, this makes her a great character for a lot of mothers, and a good option for a pregnancy announcement. Using the Pokemon theme for your announcement, include quotes such as “I choose you” or for the household of many kids already; “gotta catch them all.” You can also play with the Pokemon setup by creating an announcement stating “Wild baby [last name] appears [and the due date].”
Izumi Curtis: Not all mothers are traditional, and it can be nice to have a mother who adopted her sons in the mix. This mother figure from Full Metal Alchemy may seem like a weird choice, but she is perfect for mothers who push their children to success, as well as mothers expecting the child that will adopt soon after birth.
For mothers who have gone through IVF or egg freezing, have some Frozen fun with a play on words including lines such as “Frozen before Elsa made it cool,” or “we’ve got news and we can’t hold it back anymore, time to let it go…” or for families with multiple kids already; “let the storm rage on.”
All told, there are a lot of great options for pregnancy announcement ideas. The biggest challenge will be coming up with a single theme or combination of characters and how you want to implement the idea, which character you want to use, and to which people you send the announcement. Once you make those decisions, the rest is easy.
>>Click here for A Creative Guide to Pregnancy Announcements and Gender Reveals