Finding out you’re pregnant is exciting. In fact, you probably already started planning how you’ll decorate the nursery. However, in addition to preparing for your baby’s arrival, you also need to focus on yourself. From getting through first-trimester morning sickness to not fitting into your jeans any longer, it’s safe to say you need a little pampering.
Here’s what every future mom needs to know about DIY pregnancy spa treatments.
Pregnancy Spa Treatments
Expectant mommies deserve all the pampering they can get, especially near the end of the pregnancy. But even women in their first trimester need a little TLC.
Belly Mask
As your belly begins to grow, the first thing that comes to mind is probably stretch marks. Even the fittest of expectant moms can develop stretch marks when pregnant. While your belly grows to accommodate your expanding uterus and baby, there are DIY pregnancy spa treatments you can do to minimize the appearance or even possibly ward off stretch marks.
Start by cleaning your belly to get rid of any lingering dead skin cells. Then, apply baby oil, coconut oil or even olive oil to the target areas. Gently wrap your belly, not too tight. Sit back and let the belly mask work its magic. Leave on for about 20 minutes and then remove. Afterwards, massage additional coconut oil into your belly skin for longer-lasting softness.
Foot Scrub
Nothing is as soothing as giving yourself a relaxing foot scrub to relieve sore feet. Foot scrubs are incredibly common in spas. Basically, a foot scrub is a way to moisturize your feet and prevent things like dry, cracked skin and calluses. They’re also easy to do. There are a few natural ways to go about a foot scrub. You can use things like coffee grounds, baking soda, honey, milk and sugar to slough off dead skin.
Here’s an example of a milk and sugar DIY foot scrub. Start by mixing a cup of milk with at least five cups of warm water in your tub. Don’t make the water too hot or else it’ll dry your feet out even more. Place your feet into the infused water and soak your feet for up to 10 minutes.
Then, take a small bowl of sugar mixed with baby oil and turn it into a paste. Apply the paste to your feet and massage them using circular motions. Finish off the foot scrub by gently rubbing a pumice stone on your heels to prevent calluses.
Dry Shampoo
Dry shampoo is an amazing way for moms-to-be to keep their hair shiny without having to hop in the shower. It’s usually applied through an aerosol canister, but in some cases, people use it as a powder. You’d be surprised how oily hair can become, especially during pregnancy. Dry shampoo, however, can alleviate that problem with just a few sprays.
Facial Scrub
Pregnancy causes your body to produce 50% more blood than usual. As a result, your blood circulation is increased, which makes your face appear brighter. Furthermore, pregnancy also comes with a lot of hormonal changes to things like your oil glands.
In fact, the reason why your face is so shiny is due to the abundance of oil on your face. The reason for this is because your oil glands are pushed to their limits to produce more oil than it normally would.
Thankfully, all you need is a few pantry items to create the perfect oil-reducing DIY facial scrub. If your skin is on the sensitive side, you can skip the traditional coffee ground scrub, which helps to exfoliate the skin and instead use plain yogurt and oats and a drop of honey.
Mix approximately one tablespoon of both yogurt and oats. Then add a few drops of warmed honey. Apply in gentle, circular motions and leave for 10 to 15 minutes. Use a warm washcloth to remove and apply your favorite toner or moisturizer.
Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pamper yourself. In fact, now’s the perfect time to give yourself a little extra attention. Follow these easy DIY pregnancy spa treatments to feel like a beautiful expectant goddess.