When registering for your baby shower, it is common to add clothes, toys, and supplies to the list to help once the baby arrives. While, you will greatly appreciate things such as these, why not branch away from the norm. Not all gifts need to be tangible things, a new trend is to register for help and favors, once the baby has made their appearance.
Take All of the Help that You Can Get
When it comes to having a newborn, you can never fully prepare for exactly how things will go. One thing is for sure, if you have friends and family that are willing to help it can make the entire process a lot smoother. Why not think of a few things that you would appreciate help with once the baby arrives. You can then add these favors or help requests to your baby registry for others to sign up for!
You will not only be thanking yourself for it later, but your loved ones may truly enjoy chipping in to make sure that your new baby is doing well!
Meal Train
You and your partner will be working around the clock to keep up with baby’s new schedule. This will especially be the case if you are breastfeeding. Most newborns will eat every 2-3 hours, so it can be easy to get lost in the schedule and forget about yourself.
It is vital to your healing and sanity that you remember to feed yourself throughout this transition. Why not set up a meal train so that others can sign up to bring you a home cooked meal during the first few weeks. This will allow you both to focus on the baby and to hopefully provide some healthy options, instead of the convenience of fast food every day.
Housekeeping Help
Chores are not usually at the top of the list when it comes to new parenting. Why not register for a housekeeping service or for your loved ones to come over and help you clean up. This could be the dishes in the sink, the laundry that just seems to keep piling up, and the most used rooms throughout your house that may have food wrappers and crumbs spread about.
The first few weeks you will still be healing after birth, tired, and sore. Cleaning up the house can feel like a daunting task that will never get done. This is especially the case if your partner is not able to take much time off. You may both be grateful for the extra help around the house.
Donation Fund
If you are adopting or had to go through fertility treatments to bring your bundle of joy into this world, the costs can get pretty high. Adoption costs range between $30,000 to $40,000 and a round of IVF can run between $10,000 to $ 25,000. Registering for a donation fund will give your friends and family the opportunity to chip in and help make things easier financially.
Help with Errands
You could register for favors such as dog walking, grocery shopping, or even babysitting if you have older children. Simple things like this can help make your to do list a lot lighter. You will likely need the help if you do have pets as you may be spending 24 to 72 hours in the hospital after your baby is born. The same goes for babysitting if you have older children. While your spouse is likely able to stay home with them while you and baby remain in the hospital, you might like to have them join you and spend some alone time together with your newest addition.
You could even ask for a babysitter once the baby is home and settled so that you could enjoy some me time around the house in a hot bath, go out and get a manicure, or enjoy a nice date with your partner.
Like they Say, It Takes a Village
Some of the best things that you can receive as a new parent isn’t actually a tangible gift, but help from someone you trust. New parent life can take a little while to get used to. Not only is your schedule completely changing, but you will also be healing from labor and birth physically and mentally. Letting others pitch in can help make your recovery go quicker and baby’s transition home a lot smoother.