Pregnancy, in no way, means the end of your fun and exciting days. Keep reading to learn how to stay social during your pregnancy and beyond!
Many women share a common fear that once they become pregnant, their girlfriends will look at them differently, excluding them from happy hour and late-night excursions. Researchers agree that it’s important to do things you enjoy and stay in a great mood while pregnant. It’s great for your postpartum health as well as the health of the baby.
While pregnancy is a beautiful time in a woman’s life, it can also be lonely. The definition of “fun” might change, but you absolutely can and should enjoy time with girlfriends during these months. There is still space in your life for all of your friends, whether they are mothers themselves or they don’t have any children of their own.
1. Hang With Mom Friends
These nine months come with a great opportunity to connect (and possibly reconnect) with your friends who already have children. Invite them to lunch one day or maybe even have them over to your place for a movie night with pizza and snacks. These ladies will likely be happy for the break, and you will get to pick their brains about the journey into motherhood.
Because life can be hectic for a woman with children, it may be a good idea to make your mom friends a priority by having standing weekly or monthly appointments with them. This way, your girls’ day out won’t be easily swept under the rug. It will always be something to look forward to.
If possible, try to keep these appointments when the baby is born. Whether you bring the kids along for a playdate or you step out for a girls’ night on the town, continue to lean on each other and make memories. Your mom friends will quickly grow to become a great support system for you, so spend your pregnancy connecting with them as much as possible!
2. Share Moments With Friends Who Aren’t Mothers
While you may feel a strong desire to be around other women who have also experienced the ups and downs of pregnancy and motherhood, don’t write off your friend who isn’t yet a mom. Remember that you likely became friends because of mutual interests and have genuine love for one another.
You can continue to build upon this kind of friendship by offering information about your experiences if your friend desires to be a mom herself, or you can simply give your support if your friend has chosen a different route for her life. Although you may not feel comfortable in a bar or club scene, you can take the reins and make suggestions for different hangout spots. You may even improve your friendship by making her feel like a part of the pregnancy. Maybe she’d like to help pick out cute baby clothes or assist with the baby shower.
Once the baby arrives, allow your friend the opportunity to bond with him or her. Continue to share alone time with your friend every now and then without the focus on children. This is a period of transition for your friend too, and she may be mourning the loss of having you at the press of a button. Let your friends who aren’t moms know that they are still needed, valued and loved, even if they are worried about the changes on the horizon.
Pregnancy is Just the Beginning
Even in the direst situations, women have had positive outcomes in pregnancy and beyond when they’ve had a strong sense of community during pregnancy. Human connection plays a vital role in our lives. Staying social while pregnant isn’t always easy. There may even be times when you’re too sick or exhausted to even think about hanging out, and that’s okay. Always remember that being a mom doesn’t mean your life is over. Your pregnancy affords you the wonderful opportunity to begin building a community that will ultimately stick with you into parenthood.