While all pregnancies present certain challenges, a winter pregnancy is in a category of its own. Staying safe and healthy during the season is imperative.
There are many more illnesses to worry about during the winter and in cold weather, in general. However, you also have to know how to navigate through freezing temperatures, snow and ice, all of which can pose risks to you and your unborn baby.
Keeping Warm with a Winter Pregnancy
No matter what stage you’re in, a winter pregnancy means you have to dress appropriately. When you’re pregnant, your body seems to feel hotter, which means it’s easy to feel overly warm when you’re indoors. The best thing to do is to dress in layers when you have to go outdoors. It will keep you warm, but you can also take layers off when you’re back inside and start to feel clammy.
You don’t have to spend a lot of money on multiple maternity sweaters, but it’s a good idea to get a maternity coat to wear during your third trimester.
You will also have to invest in the right pair of shoes for winter. It’s scary to think you might slip or even fall while navigating in the snow and ice, so you need something with rubber soles and good traction. Boots may be more appropriate for the winter.
It’s important to keep in mind that your center of gravity is completely off and ever-shifting during pregnancy. Perhaps the best type of shoes for walking outdoors in the winter is a good pair of work boots. Even if you do fall, your baby should be protected in your womb. If this happens, it’s a natural urge to call the doctor, but if you feel your little one moving around inside you, things should be fine.
Stay Well Hydrated
With a winter pregnancy, it may get all too easy to drink too little water. However, you should aim to drink even more water. Pregnant women need more water as it is, but this can also help keep your skin healthier. Winter brings low humidity and overly dry air, which is why it’s normal to experience dry, cracked hands. During pregnancy, your skin naturally expands, which makes it even more crucial to drink a lot of water. Keeping your skin as moisturized as possible will benefit both you and your growing baby.
Stay as Healthy as Possible
During pregnancy, your immune system’s abilities are decreased. Because of this, it’s absolutely essential to stay as healthy as possible. You should speak with your OB/GYN or midwife about what you should do to be proactive. Pregnant women are urged to get a flu shot, which is considered safe throughout your pregnancy.
Avoid people who have any symptoms of illness and wash your hands diligently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds each time. If you get sick, immediately consult with your doctor to see which medications you can safely take.
Use Your Sick Days
Always listen to your body. This is especially important when you’re pregnant, so if you feel under the weather, make use of your sick days and stay home. It’s a good way to give yourself much-needed rest and relaxation and your immune system a helping hand. Just take it easy, lie down or sit with your feet propped up and watch some Netflix while enjoying a nice, hot cup of tea and a bowl of soup.
Fight Against Seasonal Depression
Seasonal depression can easily occur during the winter. During a winter pregnancy, when your hormones are running rampant, it’s even more likely to have to face this mental health condition. You can do a few things to combat seasonal depression. Going outside, even in freezing temperatures, can boost your mood when you get fresh air and sunlight. You are also able to get the necessary vitamin D simply by stepping outdoors.
You may also want to take vitamin D supplements if it’s too cold for you to bear going outside regularly. Talk to your doctor about it and your other options.
Navigating a winter pregnancy is easier than you might think when you use these tips to your advantage.