When it comes to stocking up on items during your pregnancy, chances are you have all your shopping lists made out for the gear and items you’ll need once baby is born and all the items you need to help you feel your best during pregnancy. However, with the essentials aside there are still a few non-baby items you may want to stock up on before your little one arrives. Our guest contributor from Swaddles n’ Bottles has a list ready for you.
Guest Author: Caroline Lewis
Household Cleaners
When I first started setting up Emmy’s diaper changing station, I had a cute little frame, her headband holder, hand sanitizer in a stylish soap pump and some lotion from when my hands got dry from said sanitizer. You know what it was replaced with about four hours after Emmy was home? Lysol and paper towels. I should have bought stock in the stuff before having a baby. Emmy managed to get poop on the carpet in three rooms before she was a month old. Don’t judge my diaper changing skills; she always managed to go in the spit second the diaper was off. The bottle of carpet cleaner came in handy and was widely used. Stock up on lots of household cleaners before your baby arrives!
Thank You Notes and Stamps
I failed at this one. I will never forget it. I had to venture out with itty bitty Emmy in tow JUST for stamps to send thank you notes for all the gifts that had arrived in the few weeks after we brought her home. It was a rough trip, to say the least. Pick up a book of stamps on your last grocery outing before your baby comes and your life will be so much easier.
Paper Plates and Plastic Utensils
I hated doing dishes before Emmy arrived, so you can imagine how I felt about them when I was completely sleep deprived. Might as well get some red Solo cups while you are at it to ensure the dishwasher loading and unloading is at a minimum.
Freezer Meals
I made about 30 freezer meals before Emmy was born. All but a few were crock pot dump meals. I used about two to three of them a week. I stocked up on crock pot liners to make clean up a breeze. I was able to prep all 30 meals in about three hours.
You will never experience a fear quiet like the one when the batteries go out on your Rock n’ Play sleeper at 11 p.m. Just stock up and every size they make. It’s a smart move.
Postpartum Items for Mama
While I am nowhere near 21, the best postpartum items for me came from Forever 21. I stocked up on their $2.88 leggings and T’s in a few sizes too big just before Emmy arrived and it was such a great move. I cleared out one drawer in my dresser just for all the large clothes I knew would fit me after Emmy arrived. I also purchased some pretty sweet looking, all cotton granny panties that had their own drawer as well. Super plus pads, nipple cream and a heating pad are all things you need to have ready to take care of mama when you get home! Oh, don’t forget an extra bottle of dry shampoo!

Caroline Lewis is a professional coffee-drinking, baby-wearing, breastfeeding mama to one spunky little girl named Emmy. She is also the creator of the mommy blog, Swaddles n’ Bottles.