When you have twins, you have to slightly change your expectations for life. Buying these items can make life with twins even easier.
Whether you expected a single baby or counted on having twins, the emergence of another child can have some parents reeling. There are a few items that are perfect for raising two babies at the same time. To help make your life as a parent just a bit easier, consider obtaining the following items for your babies.
Two Convertible Cribs for Twins
While it may be tempting to put your twins in the same crib, this isn’t a good practice. Twins are already at risk for SIDS as they tend to be born with low weight and prematurely. If they end up crowding one another in the crib, it could prove fatal.
Two convertible cribs could be exactly what you need. This allows you to safely put each baby on his or her back in the crib. They can still be close to one another for comfort and company, but they also don’t run the risk of lying on top of each other or hurting one another in their sleep.
A convertible crib can also save you money in the long run. All babies will end up growing. As they grow, their need for a larger bed arises. The convertible crib can be changed into the bed they need as they become older. Saving money when you have twins is critical, so this style of bed could be exactly what you need.
Double-Frame Stroller
Do you want to make your life just a bit more efficient? Then you may want to consider buying a double-frame stroller that’s lightweight. These strollers can be used as car seats and strollers.
Essentially, your baby is positioned in the car seat. When it comes time to transfer him or her into a stroller, you simply unstrap the car seat from the car and place it inside the stroller. This cuts down on the fuss from your babies as they are picked up from their car seat and placed in a stroller. Instead, they can continue sleeping while you carefully lift the seat as a whole and place it in the stroller. They may not even notice the transition.
The double-frame stroller also benefits parents of twins because it has a column, or row, for two babies. You don’t need two different strollers. Instead, you can place both of your babies inside a single stroller for space-saving needs.
Portable Play Yard for Twins
Another great item to have is a portable play yard. This is a foldable crib that often comes with seats attached to it. You can place your babies safely inside of the seats when it comes time for meals.
Otherwise, you can place them in the soft and comfortable crib during play. Many parents use this form of a crib in the living room. It provides a safe place for babies to play when the parents can’t give them all of their attention. The twin version comes with two seats and a larger crib, so both babies can safely play inside of it.
Double Breastfeeding Pillow
If you’re not comfortable with the idea of feeding one child first and then the other, you could feed them at the same time. You’ll need a double breastfeeding pillow to do this. The right kind of pillow can comfortably strap around your waist. You can then place the babies on top of the pillow. Their heads will be supported, and you can easily breastfeed both at the same time.
You’ll also want to consider a pillow that can be washed for easy cleaning.
Two Bouncer Seats
Babies need to exert energy. One of their favorite ways to do just that is to bounce. You’ll want to grab two bouncer seats for your babies. Having one for each baby is a better idea than finding one that’s connected for two babies. This allows one baby to bounce around even if the other one doesn’t.
Consider these five items if you’re expecting twins.