Guest author: Brittany Noonan
Congratulations, you are pregnant! Pregnancy is a very exciting time for all women, but it can also be very daunting, tiring and overwhelming.
There is so much mixed information on EVERYTHING to do with pregnancy and it doesn’t stop one you have your bundle of joy.
In this blog I want to outline some basic guidelines for exercising and training while pregnant. These guidelines are for the average person—not an elite athlete, seasoned gym junkie or someone who has a special/restricting condition. I also want to stress you MUST gain medical clearance from your doctors or OB before commencing or continuing any exercise program while pregnant.
The most important thing to remember when training while pregnant is to listen to your body and if something does not feel right, hurts or is uncomfortable—stop immediately. You don’t need to be super woman; pregnancy is like a 24/7 workout in itself.
Another point I’d like to make is that you don’t need to be like some of the “fitness role models” you may have seen in the media lately. You are good enough the way you are and you are also doing the right thing by toning it back and taking it easier during this time. The long-term benefits of practicing safe pregnancy exercise will outweigh any short-term benefit of staying “fit” or “bouncing” straight back. I’m in no way saying what they are doing is wrong for them, but every woman is different and the majority of women out there are not elite athletes or gym junkies.
These tips may seem overly cautious but I’m okay with that. I tend to give overly cautious advice as there is nothing more important than the health and safety of Mum and bub when pregnant.
Pregnancy Training Guidelines: Trimester 1:
- Gain medical clearance from GP or OB.
- Have a check up with a women’s health physio to structure a plan for you throughout your pregnancy.
- Avoid overheating during exercise by keeping it at a moderate intensity (6/10). This is very important as there is major organ development occurring during the first trimester and the baby is unable to cool itself it the womb, so whatever temperature your body is, so is your baby’s.
- Take time to rest, especially if you are suffering from morning sickness and/or nausea.
- Start working on your pelvic floor strengthening exercises, i.e. KEGELS!
- Start working on strengthening your back muscles to help your posture.
- STOP focusing on abdominal workouts—no crunching, double leg lifts, V sits or sit-ups.
- Avoid heavy lifting.
- Avoid any movement or exercise that causes bearing down, dragging or heavy feeling in the lower abdomen.
Pregnancy Training Guidelines: Trimester 2:
All pregnancy guidelines for trimester 1 to be included.
- Gain medical clearance from GP or OB.
- Remove all high impact movements (jumping, skipping, running etc.).
- Remove all heavy lifting to protect pelvic floor.
- Remove pull-ups and full push-ups.
- Use a Swiss ball or wall for movements as an alternate.
- Have feet in a narrow stance for (no more than shoulder width) when performing squats and deadlifts.
- Perform squats and deadlifts shallow, no deeper than a 90-degree angle (thighs parallel to floor). This will protect your pelvic floor and pelvic joints.
- Avoid supine (laying on your back) exercises from 16 weeks.
- Avoid prolonged stationary standing to perform weight training. Perform seated on bench or Swiss ball.
- Work on strengthening your posture.
- If you are experiencing pelvic pain, avoid one-legged movements such as lunges or any movement where your weight is on one side of your body.
- No walking lunges.
- Remove abdominal workouts and focus on your core and pelvic floor instead.
- Continue with your pelvic floor exercises.
- Use light weights, resistance bands and body weight for resistance training.
- Perform only 20 to 30 mins max of moderate cardio.
- Listen to your body and if you are not comfortable or something does not feel right, stop immediately.
Pregnancy Training Guidelines: Trimester 3:
Obtain medical clearance from GP or OB.
- All pregnancy guidelines for trimester 1 and 2 to be included.
- Tone it right down and work at a low to moderate intensity.
- Concentrate on strengthening your core and pelvic floor.
- Use a Swiss ball instead of standing for most movements.
- Low to no impact movements only.
- Take stress off your back and pelvis by performing movements on all fours.
- Relaxation, yoga and stretching are very important to help you feel less stressed, tired and sore.
- 15 to 20 mins max of moderate cardio.
- Very light weights or body weight for resistance.
- Listen to your body and if you are not comfortable or something does not feel right, stop immediately.
- Staying active is great but if it is causing more tiredness, aches, pains or is uncomfortable maybe short walks are enough and it’s time to put your feet up and rest.
The above are basic guidelines for the average person and may not suit you or your specific needs. You MUST gain medical clearance before doing any exercise whilst pregnant even if you were fit or active before. Please contact me via my website or DM me on Instagram for any specific help.
Remember to listen to your body during this time and do not compare yourself to others. We are all on our own journey and what suits one Mum to be may not suit another.

Brittany Noonan is a wife and proud mom to one girl. She is a fitness trainer and runs the blog bybrittanynoonan.com a motherhood, fitness and style blog for moms and moms-to-be.