Your Baby’s Development:
In just a few short weeks, your little baby has grown to the size of a prune. At 10 weeks pregnant your baby’s bones and cartilage is forming and he or she may even be practicing swallowing amniotic fluid at this stage. All of the vital organs are not only developed, but functioning on their own. Your baby is even beginning to grow tiny little nails on non-webbed fingers and toes.
What You Should Expect:
During week 10 of pregnancy, you may begin to notice even more aches and pains. These are most likely associated with a natural process caused by pregnancy, which stretches your ligaments and muscles. At this point, your uterus is about the size of a grapefruit and it may be a good time to pick up a few maternity clothes if you haven’t already. Your breasts and waistline will begin feeling tighter and tighter with each coming week, so having loose clothes to move into as needed will help with your comfort. Your emotions are still running high and you may still feel nauseous most of the time. Almost all women feel exhausted around this stage, so be sure to get plenty of rest.