Your Baby’s Development:
In the very first week of the second trimester, your risk for miscarriage diminishes exponentially. Your little bundle is about the size of your fist and he or she is moving around quite a bit these days, even if you do not yet feel it. Your baby continues to grow hair not only on his or her little head, but also all over its body. This hair, called “lanugo,” keeps him or her safe and warm in the womb until baby fat begins to accumulate later on during your pregnancy and takes over this function, allowing the unnecessary hair to shed away.
What You Should Expect:
This week, you may notice that you feel much better than you have in a while. Your breasts are not as tender, you are not running to the restroom every five minutes and you may even have your pre-pregnancy level of energy. However, you may begin to experience round ligament pain at this point in your pregnancy, which is one of the possible side effects of uterine growth when the thick bands or ligaments that support your uterus begin to stretch. For some women, this can be a painful and uncomfortable experience. This may feel like a dull ache or a sharp pain in your lower front and sides of the abdomen, as well as the lower back.