Your Baby’s Development:
During the 15th week of pregnancy, the fetus continues to look more and more like a baby. Your baby’s ears have moved to their appropriate place on his or her little head and he or she practices breathing, sucking, kicking and even swallowing for the day he or she comes into the world. Although your little one is the size of an apple and is moving around like crazy, you likely will not feel any of his or her acrobatics at this point.
What You Should Expect:
Your early pregnancy symptoms may be long gone by now, allowing you to finally enjoy all of your favorite foods and activities once again. Be sure to keep track of your dental health, too, since elevated hormones may trigger conditions like bleeding gums and gingivitis. Dental care is just as important during pregnancy as it is throughout your life. During this time your womb is beginning to grow up and out of your pelvis and at this point you may find you have a noticeable baby bump.
In addition, your milk glands may begin to kick into production and you may notice your nipples secrete small amounts of fluid during the day or while you sleep. Inserting a small liner of sorts into your bra during the day can help keep you and your clothes dry during this time of growth.