Your Baby’s Development:
This week, your baby’s eyes develop even more. Although his or her eyelids remain sealed, he or she can detect bright light. He or she is also growing little eyelashes to protect those pretty peepers and your baby may be making faces at you inside the womb thanks to rapidly developing muscles. Along with facial movements, your baby’s hearing is also taking shape. Little bones inside the ears are in place and your baby can likely hear your voice, so be careful what you say for the rest of your pregnancy because you will have an extra set of ears listening in all the time. You may also be surprised to learn that at the size of an avocado, your baby’s skin is still transparent at this time.
What You Should Expect:
By this time, most women have a noticeable baby bump. However, those extra pounds are not fat, but it’s actually your growing baby. As a result of all the pregnancy hormones, you may be experiencing some sinus trouble due to increased blood flow, as well as possible swelling of your nasal cavity’s mucous membrane. While your first thought may be to reach for a decongestant, avoid taking antihistamines. Instead, nasal strips or pure saline nasal sprays can provide relief without causing any potential harm to your growing baby.