Your Baby’s Development:
Your baby is really growing this week, Mom. He or she is a little bit larger than the size of a banana and weighs just under 12 ounces. Although it may seem like the fetus never sleeps with all of the acrobatics going on in your belly, he or she actually sleeps as much as an average newborn, i.e. between 12 and 14 hours per day. You may wonder why your baby seems more active at night, too. Some studies suggest that the movement you make while walking actually soothes your baby to sleep. Thus, it seems like as soon as you get ready to relax, your baby decides it is time for a workout.
At this point, your baby will begin sharing meals with you in more ways than just at the nutrient level. Your baby has developed his or her taste buds, and as you consume food it changes the taste of the amniotic fluid your baby swallows, thus allowing him or her to share in the flavors.
What You Should Expect:
During this week, some women find they are feeling more energized and upbeat. If you’ve been working out or taking daily walks, be sure to continue to do so to keep your uterus and pelvic floor muscles strong. You may start to notice some stretch marks in the coming weeks. These appear when the tissues beneath your skin tear as they stretch.