Your Baby’s Development:
This week, your baby tops the two-pound mark and approaches a full foot in length. Space is at a premium. While your baby still has room to grow, his or her acrobatic tricks will slow down soon. His or her eyelids separate and begin to open this week and brain activity really starts to increase. This means your little one’s responses to bright lights or loud sounds are more purposeful than reflexive.
What You Should Expect:
Your uterus now extends a full two inches above your belly button making your “bump” unmistakable. At this point in your pregnancy, you may have a hard time getting comfortable in any position. You may even experience some insomnia due to your inability to settle in comfortably. Try lying on your left side with one pillow under your belly to support it and another between your knees. Often, this provides just enough relief to help you drift off into a peaceful slumber.