Your Baby’s Development:
This week marks yet another growth spurt for your baby as his or her little body starts preparing for the outside world by putting on layers of fat. He or she weighs in right around two pounds, is about 14 inches long and is about the size of a head of cauliflower. He or she recognizes your voice and your partner might even be able to hear the baby’s heartbeat if they press their ear to your tummy in a quiet room.
What You Should Expect:
Have you noticed an odd, rhythmic thumping sensation coming from a specific area of your belly? Your baby has a case of the hiccups and you will likely notice this more and more frequently until you deliver. Some studies indicate that these hiccups might be the result of changes in your diet. As you eat different foods, for example spicy food, your baby will taste the flavors roughly two hours afterward and hiccups may be a reaction.
You may notice that with the increase in weight your back is under much more pressure, causing pains in your lower back and legs. Movement on your part can amplify the intensity of discomfort so be sure to take time and relax or unwind with warm baths or ice packs.