Your Baby’s Development:
Your baby weighs anywhere from three to four pounds now and he or she is about 16 to 18 inches long. Space is tight now, but he or she still needs another three to five pounds of fat before making the big debut. In addition to regular kicks and movement, you might start to notice well-defined sleeping patterns now, too. He or she has longer periods of sleep and restfulness, and ultrasounds may even show your baby sucking his or her thumb in preparation for feedings.
What You Should Expect:
Your body continues to prepare for your new bundle of joy to arrive and if you haven’t noticed before, by this week you may notice that your breasts are leaking some colostrum, also known as “premilk.” This is perfectly normal as your body prepares itself for breastfeeding. Grab some nursing bras or nursing pads to insert into your current bra to protect your clothing.
You might also find yourself winded more often these days and for good reason. Your fundus, the medical term for the top of your uterus, extends four inches above your belly button. All of your organs, including your lungs, get pushed out of the way to give your growing baby more room. Shortness of breath is common at this point, but if you feel particularly uncomfortable, you can try standing upright, raising your arms above your head and taking a few deep breaths.