Your Baby’s Development:
Your baby really starts to tip the scales this week as he or she surpasses the four-pound mark. In fact, your baby may already be at his or her full birth length—somewhere between 19 and 21 inches long, or roughly the length of a half-gallon of milk. He or she has a fully-formed digestive system and his or her eyes are ready to take in the world. However, your little one still needs some time in the womb since his lungs are still in development. During this week, your baby will begin to turn to a head-down position if he or she isn’t there already, giving him or her more room in your uterus.
What You Should Expect:
Baby is really growing now and so are you. By now your blood volume has increased about 50 percent since the start of your pregnancy to accommodate for you and your baby’s needs. Your belly continues expanding to some amazing proportions, and the more you grow, the more likely you will notice some lower back pain and those Braxton-Hicks “practice” contractions. You may notice your baby’s movements slowing down a bit at this point, but this should not alarm you. He or she simply has less room to move. Keep tracking your kick counts and call your obstetrician if you feel concerned about anything.