Your Baby’s Development:
At the 34th week, your baby may continue to attempt to settle his or her head into the birth canal if it isn’t there already. He or she is approximately the size of a small melon now, and if it is a boy, his testicles will descend. Your baby’s brain continues to develop, forming trillions of connections for him or her to begin to learn while inside the womb. He or she weighs upwards of five pounds and his or her nails on both fingers and toes have fully developed. In fact, your baby may need a birthday manicure!
What You Should Expect:
As baby drops lower into your abdomen, he or she puts pressure on your bladder. Because of this, you may need to relieve yourself more often than ever from now until he or she comes into the world. You may also find that your eyesight also feels off this week. This is due to pregnancy hormones and an increase in the amount of fluid behind the lenses in your eyes. This fluid may stretch and distort the lenses, causing blurry vision. Don’t worry, this is only temporary and your vision will return to normal shortly after delivery.