Your Baby’s Development:
At week 35, your baby may weigh as much as six whopping pounds, but he or she will keep gaining weight rapidly until his or her delivery date. His or her skull is still quite soft in order to make room for the growing brain, but this soft skull also allows your baby’s head to pass through the birth canal more easily. Although your little bundle is getting ready to make an entrance, and most of his or her physical development is complete, he or she still needs a few more weeks to grow.
What You Should Expect:
By the 35th week, many women find themselves increasingly uncomfortable. Tasks that you once took for granted, such as tying your shoes or even getting up off the sofa by yourself, suddenly become incredibly difficult. You may feel fatigued, in pain and downright irritable sometimes. After all, you have a six-pound baby in your abdomen. Creating life is enough to make anyone feel tired and grumpy after a while. Take this time to do what you can to relax and try to catch some extra sleep. You’ll be wishing you had these extra minutes once your baby is born.