Your Baby’s Development:
During week four of your pregnancy, the blastocyst in your womb turns into an embryo, which will eventually become your baby. This embryo, though only the size of a poppy seed, is protected by an amniotic sac containing amniotic fluid. During this period, the placenta and umbilical cord start developing. Additional layers begin to develop that will grow into the various organs and systems of your baby.
What You Should Expect:
The fourth week of pregnancy is when most women begin to experience the tell-tale signs and symptoms. Morning sickness may begin, prompted by changes in your hormone levels that usually occur in the morning and fade away by midday. Morning sickness can include feelings of nausea, usually accompanied by vomiting, fatigue, queasiness and bloating. While these are the first signs of pregnancy, many women often mistake them for symptoms of PMS. You may feel more tired than normal due to a spike in progesterone levels and because your body is working overtime to support the growth of the embryo. A diet rich in protein and iron can help to ease feelings of fatigue. At this point, your breasts may feel heavier or tingly. The fourth week of pregnancy is a crucial time for a baby’s development. At this point you should already be taking a prenatal vitamin and if you haven’t yet, be sure to quit habits like smoking and drinking, as these now have a large effect on your baby’s development. If you are taking any over-the-counter medications, supplements, or prescriptions, check with your doctor to see if they are safe for pregnancy.