Your Baby’s Development:
During week six, your baby is pea-sized and growing very fast. His or her heart is beating at about 110 beats per minute with blood starting to circulate around the developing body and organs. Your baby’s trunk and neck are starting to grow, and the body is beginning to straighten out a bit with arms and legs beginning to protrude into little buds. Your baby’s heart begins beating this week, and may even be detectable this early by ultrasound. Small indentations on your baby’s head are taking shape and will eventually form into the eyes, nose and ears.
What You Should Expect:
Morning sickness may have become worse by now and any action on your part can trigger symptoms. For instance, not eating for a short period might leave you feeling severely nauseated. Certain smells will disturb you, too. The odor of gasoline, fried food, certain perfumes, curries and citrus may also leave you feeling extremely nauseous. Emotions may be unbalanced due to the hormone fluctuations taking place to develop your growing sweet pea.