Your Baby’s Development:
Week eight of pregnancy marks an amazing milestone for your little angel. At this point, your baby is the size of a raspberry. Brainwave activity starts during this monumental week and nerve cells begin to branch out and connect with one another, which creates neural pathways. He or she is developing lungs, ears, nose and little fingers and toes, although they are still slightly webbed. Your baby is even beginning those first subtle and spontaneous movements. Your baby is now producing urine, which will be excreted into his or her amniotic fluid. You may begin to feel anxious about the gender of your baby, but at this point, external genitals have not developed so your baby’s sex remains a mystery at this time.
What You Should Expect:
If you are like most women and predisposed to suffer from morning sickness, it will have kicked in by now. You may also have some cramping due to your expanding uterus which is already twice its normal size. Because of this, you will also have the urge to urinate more frequently. If you are feeling more tired than usual, this is completely normal as your body is working extra hard for that little one. In addition to internal changes, you may notice increased breast size as your body begins to prepare itself for lactation.