Your Baby’s Development:
You are now nine weeks pregnant and your baby is officially considered a fetus. The fetus determination is made once the baby’s placenta has developed and begun producing hormones. Though he or she only weighs about a fraction of an ounce and is no bigger than a grape, most of his or her essential body parts are formed. The heart valves start to develop as the four chambers finish forming. Your baby has finally lost that reptilian-like tail, fingers and toes are developing and he or she has begun to develop tooth buds. While his or her muscles are still developing, your baby’s tiny limbs begin to make slight movements that will continue to become stronger over the next few months.
What You Should Expect:
You may or may not have a noticeable belly bump by now, but your symptoms are probably increasing. Around this time many women feel moody due to those raging hormones, continue to suffer from morning sickness and are making frequent bathroom breaks. You may even be starting to gain a little weight. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the recommended weight gain for pregnancy from start to finish is 25 to 35 pounds. This means that during your first trimester you can expect to gain about one to five pounds.