Electromagnetic radiation emitting a magnetic field (MF) is found in cell phones and other wireless devices, and it’s long been believed that this may pose a variety of health risks.
For many years, it’s been thought that the rays from these devices, specifically those that include Wi-Fi connectivity, can cause cancer, genetic problems and other health risks. More recently, scientists from the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research determined yet another issue, that exposure to radiation can result in a nearly 50 percent increased risk of miscarriage.
Pregnancy and Radiation Exposure Research
The researchers came to their findings when they performed a study on 913 pregnant women from San Francisco, California. The women were at various stages of pregnancy. Several of them had previously suffered at least one miscarriage. Each of the participants was given an EMDEX Lite meter to carry for 24 hours in the study to determine their MF exposure each day. The researchers were then able to keep track of all the women’s outcomes throughout their pregnancies.
Research Findings
It was determined that the higher the MF exposure for any of the women, their risk of miscarriage was 48 percent higher than the ones with the smallest amount of exposure. Women who had the largest amount of exposure, more than 24.2 percent, suffered miscarriages. Those who had the least amount of exposure, 10.4 percent of participants also experienced miscarriages. The conclusion the scientists reached was that the outcomes occurred regardless of whether or not the women had a previous miscarriage.
The researchers also determined that the frequencies found in appliances and power lines were actually lower compared to those in cell phones and smart meter networks. Additionally, they stressed that their findings mean there is a need to perform further investigation regarding other potential health issues that may come about because of technology devices.
Researcher Warns of Exposure
Dr. De-Kun Li, who led the study, said that he and his team wanted people to really start thinking about MF exposure and to realize that it is not safe as it’s often claimed. He stated that there is a need for further research because of how widespread exposure is in everyone, including fetuses. He expressed the hope that the study would help people to rethink the idea MF exposure poses no health risks.
The director of the Center for Family and Community Health and the University of California, Berkeley, Joel Moskowitz, who wasn’t involved in the study, stated that pregnant women and couples trying to conceive should limit their exposure to the electromagnetic fields emitted by cell phones and other wireless devices.
Protective Steps Pregnant Women Can Take
Pregnant women can do a few things to protect themselves and their unborn babies from MF exposure. Those things include the following:
• Avoid laying cell phones on the stomach or holding them in clothing pockets
• Keep calls on cell phones short and use the speaker phone as often as possible
• Reduce the use of appliances and devices that give off MF radiation, especially in cars
• Switch cell phones and tablets to airplane mode when they aren’t being used
• Turn off Wi-Fi when the device isn’t being used
Study author Dr. Li concluded by saying that pregnant women should keep their distance from anything that emits MF radiation and that this practice might help to prevent the tragedy of a miscarriage.