For those expecting a baby, a variety of therapies, stress relievers and meditative practices are popular for reducing stress. One safe way to reduce stress, promote wellness and enhance relaxation for you and your baby is the practice of Reiki.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese technique used to promote healing, relaxation and stress reduction. The word comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means “universal life” and (Ki) which means “energy.” It does not come from any form of religion or religious practice, but rather, the theory is based on the idea that we all have an unseen “life force” within us that keeps us alive. If this life force is low or full of negativity, we are more likely to feel stressed or get sick. If our life force is high and positive, we are more likely to feel happy and well balanced, therefore Reiki is meant to treat the whole mind, body and soul.
How is it performed?
Treatment is performed by transferring energy from practitioner to client through different hand movements to create the flow of positive energy throughout the body and removing the toxins. The practitioner can either give treatment by “hands on” touch or “hands off” by hovering hands slightly above the client’s body. Typically, the client will lay down on a massage table during a treatment but it also can be given while sitting or standing. The client remains completely clothed throughout the treatment. Practitioners start giving a treatment either at the head or feet. Typically, the treatment focuses on head, shoulders, stomach and feet but other areas can be treated at the client’s preference. A complete treatment can last anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes.
What does it do for the body?
It is a simple, natural and safe method of self-improvement and spiritual healing that everyone can use. Treatment gives a warming sensation as the toxins exit the body. Treatment is meant to be only positive and does not cause any harm. It has been noted to have positive effects on many parts of the human body. From minor illnesses such as headaches, nausea, tension and anxiety to more serious illnesses such as heart disease and cancer. The side effects of traditional medical treatments have also been reduced. This includes the negative effects of post operative pain, chemotherapy side effects and depression on the body.
How does Reiki help with pregnancy?
During pregnancy, it can be a powerful but non-invasive way to relieve and alleviate symptoms. Treatments have been noted to help with fatigue, high blood pressure, mood changes, low back pain and morning sickness. During pregnancy, areas most focused on are the heart, abdomen and solar plexus in order to prepare the body for the future birth of the fetus. It also helps to release the fears related to pregnancy and delivery. It soothes a future mother who can feel invaded and impatient to give birth. By doing this, treatment creates a balanced, loving and harmonious relationship between the mother and the child, even in the early stages of pregnancy. By using the practice of Reiki during the labor stage has been shown to help control and lessen pain, essentially making for an easier birth. It has also been found to help with breast milk production.