Sitz baths are essential items that can aid you in your postpartum recovery. The following is some information about them and the benefits they provide.
What Are Sitz Baths?
Sitz baths are small baths that fit perfectly on top of the toilet bowl so that the user can soak her bottom and genitals. The unit can be filled with water up to the hips, and the user can add a variety of elements to it to make the soak more effective. They are primarily used by women after they give birth. However, consumers and patients can use them for a variety of conditions, such as hemorrhoids, pilonidal disease, perianal fistulas and more. Women can also use them to obtain a deeper cleanse during their menstrual cycles. They’re great for cleansing the vulvar areas during times when a woman doesn’t feel very fresh.
Who Needs a Sitz Bath?
Anyone who experiences pain or discomfort in the genital or rectal area is an excellent candidate for sitz baths. They are suitable for adults of all ages.
A person who lives in an apartment that has no bathtub would be a good candidate to use a sitz bath as well. The products are designed to simulate the comfort and relief that one would get from sitting in a warm or hot bathtub.
How to Use It
You probably want to know how to use a sitz bath. Some of them come with bag and catheter attachments you can use if you want to add hot water to the bath periodically. Generally, the first thing you need to do is fill the unit with hot water and any additive you want to put in it. Next, you wait until it cools enough to avoid burns, and you sit down on it and allow the water to cleanse and soothe your bottom and genital areas. You can sit on the sitz bath for as long as you need to receive the amount of comfort you seek. It’s a great tool for healing from episiotomies and sutures that doctors perform during childbirth.
The Benefits of Using a Sitz Bath
Many benefits can come along with using a sitz bath. The first benefit is that it can accelerate the healing process from incisions and stitches. Secondly, it allows the user to relax and keep the affected area in a small bath confined to the area alone. The user doesn’t have to worry about cross-contamination that might occur during a whole-body bath. Thirdly, an individual can add a variety of additional elements to the sitz bath water. For example, someone may want to add bubbles, menthol or eucalyptus to it to promote healing. Furthermore, sitz baths are typically inexpensive. Their cost ranges from as little as $12 to more than $30.
How to Find the Best Sitz Bath
A comparison is usually necessary to find the best product during any search. As an interested individual, you can start your search by looking for sitz bath products at the most reliable retail locations.
You can conduct a price comparison to see which item is most affordable to you. You should also read consumer reviews to see what other users have to say about the products they’ve tried. You might find that one product has higher ratings than another one does. You should also review the features if you can find a features list. Maybe you’ll prefer a sitz bath that has certain features over another one. It will make sense for you in the end, and you’ll find the perfect model for you.
Bottom Line
Now you know how a sitz bath can contribute to your healing process. You know that it will be an integral part of your recovery process after giving birth. You can start searching for a reliable unit at any pharmacy or department store that sells them. Alternatively, you can search online through a number of mediums and marketplaces. You will find products of various styles, colors and pricing. Choose the one that will make you comfortable enough to use it regularly.