Pregnancy is a stressful time and simultaneously, it’s a time when you really need to relax and gather your rest. For many women, a day at the spa or regular spa treatments can facilitate this state of relaxation. Before booking your spa day however, understand that not all spa treatments are safe for mom and baby during pregnancy.
Manicures and Pedicures
Just because you are a mama-to-be doesn’t mean you can’t look good. While nail polish does contain some harsh chemicals, they don’t get absorbed into your nail beds so celebrate a newly polished look knowing that manis and pedis are safe for your baby during any trimester. Just beware of the nail salon fumes as they may make some ladies feel sick. Look for a well-ventilated salon or ask for a seat by the door or window if you are prone to nausea.
Even if your skin naturally has acquired that pregnancy glow, it never hurts to take care of your face, and the rest of your skin for that matter! Most facials use natural ingredients, so they are absolutely safe for soon-to-be moms. However, avoid harsh peels and microdermabrasion. These treatments can be too rough on your skin, which is more sensitive now. In your second and third trimesters, ask if you can be propped up with pillows instead of laying flat. The normal facial position on your back can slow your circulation, leading to dizziness and nausea.
Scrubs and Salt Glows
In general, body scrubs are safe during any trimester. That being said, choose wisely. Your skin feels more sensitive with a little one in your womb, so choose a less-abrasive scrub. Avoid treatments with harsh chemicals to keep your baby safe and go for a natural one with sugar or salt instead. If you want a nice clean scrub without the spa outing, you can also try some natural scrubs that you can make in the comfort of your own home.
Body Wraps
Sorry, mamas: body wraps are not considered safe to do while pregnant. One of the main ideas of wraps is to get rid of excess fluid, so the treatment dehydrates you. This can be dangerous for pregnant ladies as it can cause contractions by upping uterine activity. The excess heat is also bad for baby and could even cause a miscarriage. Not to mention the wrap’s ingredients can irritate your sensitive skin and smell nauseating. Wait until you want to slim down after baby for this treatment!
Perms and Hair Dyes
If you frequently chemically treat your hair, be extra careful if you have a baby on board. While perms and dyes do contain chemicals, such a tiny amount is absorbed into your body that it will not hurt your little one. As long as you strictly follow the treatment’s directions (including treatment time) and do them in a well-ventilated room, you should be fine. Still worried? Go to a professional and wait until the second trimester to treat your hair.
Bikini Waxes
For some mamas, not being able to see your lady parts is no excuse for letting your hair run wild. Pregnant ladies get the green light on bikini waxes, but proceed with caution. Your skin is now more sensitive so the waxing will likely feel more painful. Once you reach your third trimester, you may want to forego this treatment as intense pain can actually trigger contractions. Know your pain tolerance and definitely don’t schedule a wax if you have never had one before.
Massages are a great way to ease the aches and pains that come with being pregnant. This treatment works out any tension in your body, improves blood circulation, and helps you relax. This is the perfect way to treat yourself when both your body and mind are exhausted from growing a baby inside you. Some spas even have special tables for pregnant women with a cutout for your belly! One warning: if you suffer from nausea, request unscented massage oil for optimum relaxations. This is safe for any trimester.