You have been waiting nine long months to meet your precious bundle of joy! So when it comes to announcing your little one’s arrival, you want things to be perfect.
Here are several tips that you can use to create the perfect birth announcement:
To start out, try to think about all of the information that you should include within the birth announcement. This is not the place to include where you are registered. Basically, you are just announcing to your friends and family that the baby has been born; you are not asking or expecting them to give you any presents.
You want to make sure that you are not oversharing in the announcement. Birth announcement etiquette suggests not talking about how many hours you were in labor or any drama related to the birth. This is the stuff you need to leave for more personal chats with people. You definitely don’t need to be stressed out writing personal notes on every one of the birth announcements. People are not going to expect this because they know you are very busy with the newborn.
The second thing to consider is the timing of the birth announcement. There is a good chance that you have already shared some of the information about the birth of the baby and a few pics as you have been preparing for his or her birth. Therefore, it’s probably not going to be breaking news to the public that you had the baby.
But the proper etiquette for getting the birth announcement cards in the mail is doing it before the baby turns six months old. Sooner is better—some experts even suggest that you do it before the baby turns three months old. The best way to be able to accomplish this goal is by doing a couple a day rather than trying to do a whole bunch at one time.
The third tip is about the photo(s) that you are going to include in the birth announcement. There are some people who don’t include a photo at all. Whether or not to include a photo of your baby in the birth announcement is up to you. If you have decided to include a photo, then you are going to want to use your common sense during selection of the photo.
The picture will need to be a clear close-up of the baby. This is the best way for people to actually see your baby. It is very important to make sure there are no breastfeeding photos, or any similar photos that may make some people uncomfortable, in the announcement.
Lastly think about the people that you are going to be sending the birth announcement to. Of course, this is going to include all of your family and friends. This is the type of good news that is going to spread to everyone you care about or who might care about you. Even your co-workers can be included in this group of people that you will be sending the announcement to.
But it will definitely help you to make a mailing list before you have the baby. This will ensure that you don’t forget anyone you might want to include for receiving the birth announcement. If you have people in your life who might not have known that you are even pregnant, these are the people you don’t need to send a birth announcement to.