Many women suffer from stress and sickness during pregnancy. This article seeks to enlighten such mothers so that they can have stress-free pregnancies. In the course of their pregnancy, most women tend to experience body changes. The body adapts to suit the demands that come with fetal growth and development.
The natural stress and strain that occurs as your body adapts to your pregnancy can cause well-known symptoms like morning sickness and nausea, but may also lead to radical changes in mood and overall drive. Many of these natural processes cannot, and probably should not, be suppressed entirely. Profound changes in your hormonal “control system” are necessary for your pregnancy to progress successfully.
Your immune system must develop a tolerance to the partially genetically-foreign tissue of your child, which is just not possible without some significant changes which occur all the way down to the cellular level.
Pregnancy is physically demanding and often causes discomfort. Stress and sickness during pregnancy often happen because of dental problems, constipation, bladder control problems, headaches and backaches, breast tenderness and nausea. Here is how you can deal with each of these conditions.
Breast Tenderness
This condition is caused by hormonal changes. During pregnancy, your breasts tend to grow bigger and heavier. This might make you feel uncomfortable. The condition can cause a lot of distress and unfortunately there are very few coping tips you can try to alleviate some of the pain. The number one key to maximize your comfort is to be sure to wear a comfortable bra, which has broad shoulder straps. To alleviate the discomfort, ensure that you regularly roll your shoulders back and forth to relieve muscle ache.
This is a common sickness during pregnancy. It is caused by the stretching of abdominal muscles, which results from the growth of the uterus. When this happens, lower back muscles tend to tighten up. The body also gets pulled forward by the weight of the baby, giving you an awkward posture. This poor pose results in back strain and ache. You are advised to wear low-heeled shoes to maintain a good posture while walking. You should similarly ensure that you keep your knees and hips aligned while sitting. A warm shower and a massage will equally sooth your back muscles.
Dental Problems
A pregnant woman’s body develops more blood capillaries during pregnancy, thus it is essential to stick to a regular oral hygiene routine throughout your pregnancy. A higher blood volume during pregnancy means when brushing or flossing teeth the gums may start swelling and bleeding. You can avoid this condition by using a soft toothbrush. In addition, you can seek out a fluoridated toothpaste to clean gums and teeth.
This is another prevalent sickness during pregnancy. Pregnancy hormone progesterone often relaxes the digestive tract, thus slowing down movement. This hampers the efficiency of the intestines. Prenatal vitamins and iron pills can also cause constipation. Ensure that you eat fiber-rich foods. Unprocessed bran should similarly be added to cereals, yogurt and applesauce. It is recommended that you drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day to ease constipation. Avoid drinking hot liquids and exercise more.
Bladder Control Problems
As the baby grows bigger, it gets pressed against your bladder, giving you the urge to urinate frequently. Numerous visits to the washroom are quite tiresome and stressful, more so to women who experience urine leaks. Use pads if you are affected by urine leaks. You should also empty your bladder more often to avoid embarrassing last minute dashes to the washroom. Fortunately, this condition is likely to get better once you enter your second trimester.
Pregnant mothers tend to worry about everything around them. Such stress and tension often result in headaches. Abnormally lower blood sugar levels, which are caused by the extreme demands of pregnancy, can also cause headaches. Pregnancy hormones also cause the mucous lining of the nose and sinuses to swell, a condition that causes headaches. If you are affected, try out relaxation exercises, which will help you relax. Avoid beverages that contain caffeine since they trigger headaches.
There are pregnant women who experience swelling in their anal region. This is caused by increased pressure by the baby’s head, which causes blood vessels to swell. Hemorrhoids may cause you great discomfort, more so when emptying the bowels. In severe cases, there may be bleeding and clotting off. This often results in intense pain. If you are faced with this condition, avoid standing or sitting for long periods. You should also soak areas that are affected by clots in warm water. You also need to avoid postponing bowel movement whenever you get the urge.
Why You Need to Worry about Sickness During Pregnancy
Women need to have a stress-free gestation period to guarantee their well-being as well as that of their unborn babies. In as much as the aforementioned conditions affect all pregnant mothers, you can easily deal with them to avoid discomfort.
Nevertheless, many women experience pregnancy as a happy and satisfying time. Undoubtedly, a harmonious environment, both social and psychological, plays a big role in making this possible. However, if despite a nurturing environment unpleasant symptoms occur to the extent that they significantly impair your well-being, it could be the result of a deficiency in one or more of the essential trace minerals and vitamins. This is just one more reason it’s important to consistently take in the necessary vital nutrients each and every day. This is not only good for your emotional and physical health, but imperative for your baby to avoid sickness during pregnancy.
Ensure that you consult your physician if any of the conditions gets out of hand. This will ultimately ensure that your pregnancy is smooth and stress-free.