Are you having trouble deciding what your baby is going to call your parents?
Then you are not alone! Grandparents are crucial in babies’ lives, so whatever name is chosen; it must be a perfect fit!
Simple Ways to Naming Your Child’s Grandparents
Here are some simple ways of naming your child’s grandparents:
Talk to Your Parents and In-Laws First
No matter how young they may be, there is a growing population of grandparents that do not want to be called “grandma” or “grandpa” anymore. It just doesn’t sound soothing to their ears. Grandparents want to feel unique in your child’s life, much of which includes the name that your baby calls them.
This is why you should talk to your parents and in-laws first. Ask them their opinion, how they feel, and what names they prefer to be called. Try to keep an open mind, because they might not be on the same page as you. To get the conversation going, initiate some suggestions that you like and feel would be best suited for their grandparent title. You also might want to keep in mind that the naming process should be fair on both sides of the family. One set of grandparents might have a completely different perspective than the other.
Keep It in the Family
With the latest technological advances, there has been a substantial fascination with ancestry and genetics. And if you have had the opportunity to research your bloodline, then maybe you should consider the language of your distant relatives. Discover what they called their grandparents. You and the grandparents-to-be might find the family names perfect.
Have the Population Decide
This one might sound a little off the walls, but it has been done. When you and your parents still cannot find the golden name that makes the heavens sing, then take it to an audience. You can create polls on social media that allow people to vote for whichever options you have listed. Think of it like flipping a coin but with human input.
Don’t worry: even if you still do not have a list of names, you can post a question on social media such as, “What are some great names to call grandparents other than grandma and grandpa?” This could give you a wide variety of different perspectives, cultural names or other creative ideas that really stand out.
Have Your Child Take the Wheel
Several people intend to have their baby call their parents and in-laws by a specific name, but your sweet little pumpkin might call them something else that is out of this world. This is one of the best tactics to allow for that grandchild-to-grandparent bond, in addition to keeping that unique feel. Sometimes, your child might not be able to say the name that you have chosen, so when it comes out of their mouth as something different, you might just run with it.
What’s in a Name?
At the end of the day, a name is just a name. How you or your child decides what to call the child’s grandparents will become a moot point once that baby is born. Nothing, not even what someone wants to be called, will be half as relevant as the love they have for their new grandchild.