White noise is most commonly used by parents to help their children sleep or to soothe a fussy baby. It is a sound that virtually all humans hear, even those with profoundly low hearing levels.
While these white noise sounds are typically associated with static, they also include “muffled sounds”, “natural sounds” and more. The reasons people chose to use white noise are diverse and personal; however, they all have the same goal, inducing relaxation and calming in an environment saturated with noise. Despite its seemingly confusing name, white noise is not composed of white sounds; it is a mixture of all frequencies. This noise has been designed specifically to cancel out the type of noises that are both the most common causes of irritation and anxiety in most people.
How White Noise Helps a Baby Fall Asleep
White noise can help reduce stress in children. The sleepy baby syndrome is a phenomenon in which infants fail to initiate sleep at night or wake up frequently during the middle of the night. Children with this syndrome may become irritable, unhappy, and startle easily. In addition to a disturbed sleep schedule, these babies will also have difficulty falling asleep at night or wake up too frequently during the middle of the night. This noise is one of the most effective ways to calm and soothe a young baby. This is because this noise can mask background sounds, making it easier for any baby to fall asleep.
The best way to start using this noise is by having it on a timer. The timer will help regulate the time your baby stays in bed. Timers can be set for any time of the day, as long as it does not interrupt any important family moments. A good time to have a timer on is usually between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m., which is when most babies begin to get tired and slightly cranky since they are ready for bed. If your baby begins to cry after being put down, turn off the noise or keep it on while you comfort her/ him in their crib.
Pros of Using This Noise to Help a Baby Fall Asleep
The biggest advantage of this noise is how easy it is to use. You can simply play an mp3 file and it’s ready for use. This can be a major advantage, especially in the middle of the night or when your baby wakes up at 2 a.m.
Not only does white noise help babies sleep, but they also enjoy being lulled to sleep by the sound. This is especially true for babies under six months of age. This can help parents feel confident knowing that the noises they make to comfort their infant don’t harm their child’s sleeping patterns.
White noise has been proven to be a good way to calm and soothe babies before they fall asleep. It is particularly good when used in conjunction with a routine, such as reading a storybook or singing lullabies.
Cons of Using This Noise to Help a Baby Fall Asleep
Although this noise is generally gentle and relaxing, there are a few side effects to be aware of. Recent studies have shown that noise may still affect babies’ sleep. Not only can it cause them to wake up over and over again, but it can also reduce their sleep time by one to two hours. In addition, this noise is a form of electronic stimulation and is not completely harmless for your little one. Even though a baby can hear calm and soothing noise, they may still be able to feel and hear the white noise. For this reason, it is not recommended for babies under 12 months.
The Bottom-Line
White noise is a form of electronic stimulation and is not completely harmless for your little one. Even though a baby can hear calm and soothing noise, they may still be able to feel and hear the noise. For this reason, it is not recommended for babies under 12 months of age.
The noise is a great way to help a baby get to sleep and fall asleep quickly. It may not be the perfect method for every baby, but it does have its benefits. The noise will help your little one sleep in a very calm environment and make them feel like they are in the perfect place to relax. There are only a few cons to this type of sleeping aid, but they are manageable and can be dealt with by parents who find themselves having trouble putting their baby down for the night.
For tips on Establishing Good Sleeping Habits in Infants, click here.