Engaging in winter activities during pregnancy might require a few adjustments. Knowing how to stay healthy lets you enjoy this special time in your life.
Expecting a little bundle of joy during the winter gives you that warm glow that makes cold days feel just right. Yet, you might already be feeling the difference that being pregnant this season brings. On top of having to avoid partaking in those bubbly cups of cheer, you might also be worried about how the weather and other winter changes will affect you and your growing little one. Figuring out what you can enjoy makes life better, and this guide will help you get the most out of the season.
Dress Appropriately for Winter Activities During Pregnancy
Frigid wind, snow and ice all make for a beautiful outdoor scene, but they also pose a risk to your health as soon as you leave your house. Dressing while you are pregnant can get tricky since you might already be feeling the extra bulk from your growing baby bump, but you do have lots of fashionable options. Go for an oversized coat that is the right thickness for keeping you warm where you live. Layering your clothes is also a great option for giving you a way to adjust your temperature if your changing hormones cause you to overheat easily.
Avoid Overly Strenuous Exercise
For now, you might need to opt out of certain activities. Skiing at high speeds down a steep hill could pose a risk to you and your baby. The good news is that there are still lots of great winter activities during pregnancy that get your body moving. Enjoy a brisk stroll through a shopping area where you can window shop or people watch. You can also do some yoga indoors to stretch out those tired muscles.
Make Sure to Pamper Your Skin
Dry skin during pregnancy is common, and the cold air doesn’t help matters much. This is the ideal time to indulge in your favorite skincare products. Set aside some time each day to rub lotion onto the problem areas of your skin, and don’t forget to rub some onto your belly to include your baby in your pampering sessions.
Enjoy Safe Holiday Events
One of the best winter activities during pregnancy is finding ways to socialize with your family and friends. However, being around crowds exposes you to too many germs right now. While it might seem sad to opt-out of a big social event, it is the best thing you can do to stay healthy. Arranging for a virtual get together is a better option that lets you have fun with your friends and family without putting your health at risk.
Skip the Shoveling
Shoveling snow might be a good form of exercise, but this is not the time to push your body to its limits. Instead, save yourself from a back injury by letting someone else take over this chore. The same goes for any other activities that require heavy lifting or moving around on a slippery surface. If you feel like you need to do something to help out, then search for a fulfilling activity inside of the house. Organizing the nursery or baking some treats for your helpers are safer ways to spend your time.
Take a Sick Day
Ideally, you won’t catch a single cold this season, but the odds are that you’ll at least have a day or so when you don’t feel like yourself. Whether you’ve got the sniffles or are just fatigued, it is best to remember to take a personal day. During your time off, you can catch up on a parenting book or enjoy a movie marathon. The time is coming soon when you might not have much time to spend on solo activities. Embrace the moment, and remember that taking care of yourself is the best way that you can look after your baby for now.
These special months in your life have a tendency to fly by. Whether you are wishing you were skiing or completely happy sitting by the fire, you’ll look back on these times with fond memories. Now that you know how to stay safe, go ahead and plan a few special activities that give you something to look forward to while you wait for your baby’s arrival.