Just because you’re pregnant is no reason to put off your exercise routine. Pregnant women can benefit from an easier delivery, better mood and increased happiness during their pregnancy by using these basic yoga moves. Enjoy a vibrant, energetic and healthy pregnancy by maintaining your yoga regimen. Yoga increases circulation, flexibility and can make the delivery process easier. Pair your yoga exercises with walking and it can help keep you limber, tone up your muscles and improve balance and circulation. Yoga for pregnant women is specifically centered around exercises that are low-impact and put very little strain on the joints, making it an ideal option.
Before Completing Pregnant Yoga Exercises
It’s important to consult with your doctor before you begin a pregnant yoga exercise program. It’s also helpful to seek out an instructor that can help you through the moves to ensure you’re doing the exercises correctly. It’s important to listen to your body while doing yoga exercises and adjust any movements or stop if you experience any pain or discomfort. There are yoga instructors that are specially trained in yoga exercises for pregnant women. Avoid holding any pose for too long, as it’s important to keep moving during these exercises.
Breathe Deeply
With each yoga exercise, make sure you breathe in for four seconds and out for four seconds. This is a commonly recommended time that will make it easier for you to extend further into the stretch and obtain a calm state of mind. At first, this may seem uncomfortable, but with consistent practice breathing will become easier.
Downward Facing Dog
After each yoga pose, move into downward facing dog as fluidly as possible. You can do downward facing dog safely up until your third trimester, but it’s recommended to avoid it after that. There are some alternatives that a good yoga instructor can recommend, but unless you have supervision avoid using this exercise in your final trimester. Complete the exercise by placing your hands in front of you bent over with your back legs spread. Slowly lean into the stretch and straighten your back as the top of your head points to the floor. Hold the position for four second and then smoothly move back into the resting position.
Cobbler’s Pose
This is a great exercise for opening up your pelvis, which can make delivery easier. Ground your sit bones on the mat or blanket and place pillows underneath your knees to avoid hyperextending your hips. Sit up straight with your back against the wall and make sure the soles of your feet touch each other. Press your knees down using a slow controlled motion, but don’t force the stretch. Sit in this position as long as it remains comfortable to do so.
Back pain is common in pregnancy, and this exercise can help relieve your pain. Start on your hands and knees with your arms shoulder-width apart. Place your knees hip-width apart and keep your arms straight. Avoid locking the elbows. While breathing in, tuck your buttocks under and beneath your back. Flow back into the original position and repeat this exercise at your own pace until your back loosens up.
Squatting is an ideal position for those that want to strengthen their leg muscles and make delivery easier. It will help to open up your pelvis as well. You can use yoga blocks to help support you as the baby begins to grow during your pregnancy. Stand facing the back of your chair with your feet apart about hip distance. Point your toes outward and use the back of the chair to support yourself. Contract your abs, raise your chest and then let your shoulders relax. Bring your tailbone as close to the floor as possible without losing your balance. Breathe and then push up from your legs to a standing position. It’s important to use your legs during this exercise and not your back.
Side-Lying Position
This is a good, relaxing pose that can end any yoga workout. Simply lie on either side with your head resting on your arm. You can also use a blanket if that’s uncomfortable. Place a pillow between your thighs and practice your breathing while you relax.
Additional Exercise
Any yoga poses that don’t cause unnecessary strain are ideal for a healthy pregnancy. Consider some of the standing postures, such as Warrior I and II. Use the tree pose to build your balance and stability. Finally, make sure you’re drinking plenty of water between each exercise to maintain a consistent level of hydration. When done right, pregnant yoga can help you reduce back pain, increase your self-confidence and help you to have a healthy and happy baby.