Winter can be uncomfortable for anyone, but that can be especially true during pregnancy. Preparation can help keep you and your bump feeling cozy.
Between trying to stay warm in the freezing temperatures and not melting once you step inside, dressing for a comfortable winter is just one of many issues that are unique to pregnant women. By keeping in mind the following tips, you and your baby bump can make winter a magical time full of safe, happy and comfortable memories.
Dress in Layers
Hot flashes are an unfortunate fact of life for pregnant women. That being said, it is important to stay warm when you step outside. By dressing in layers, you can adjust throughout the day in order to stay comfortable.
Buy Good Boots
Slipping and falling on the ice is never fun, but it can be extra dangerous when you are pregnant. Getting boots with good traction can help you keep your feet warm and firmly underneath you. If fancy boots are out of your price range, consider traction cleats that strap on to the shoes you already have.
Get a Flu Shot
While you are pregnant, both the CDC and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists say getting the flu shot is completely safe. In fact, it is recommended by the CDC. This is because expecting women are more likely to end up hospitalized as a result of flu complications. Unfortunately, if pregnant women become sick they are also more likely to experience pregnancy complications, as explained thoroughly by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
Wash Your Hands
On top of the flu, there are other illnesses that are common during the winter. Being sick while pregnant can be incredibly uncomfortable. Washing your hands every time you come home, after you go to the bathroom and before you eat can help reduce your odds of getting sick. Carrying hand sanitizer is a good idea as well.
Soothe Your Skin
When your skin is being stretched out by your growing bundle of joy, it can be more inclined to get dry and itchy. There are a couple of ways to handle this. First, be sure to moisturize daily. Second, consider adding fish oil to your supplement routine. This source of fatty acid can help protect your skin and some research has pointed to fish oil helping with a baby’s brain development. If that isn’t enough, it may help prevent you from developing postpartum depression.
Stay Active During Your Winter Pregnancy
Being active is hard no matter what time of year you are pregnant, but it can be extra difficult when it’s freezing outside. Staying active can help you ward off extra weight and fight off winter blues. If nothing else, consider walking in your local mall a few days a week to get the blood flowing.
Let Someone Else Shovel
Although being active is good, find an activity other than shoveling the sidewalk. Not only can your belly get in the way, but you might severely hurt your back. This is especially true as you enter the third trimester.
Play—But Do it Safely
It is okay to do certain activities, such as snowshoeing or cross-country skiing while pregnant. Be sure to check with your doctor before engaging in those activities. Things like downhill skiing, ice skating and snowboarding will have to wait until a different winter.
Keep the Blues Away
Depression can be more common during winter for everyone. With your hormones out of balance, you are even more susceptible. Try to soak up as much light as possible and practice self-care to keep the blues at bay. If you can afford one, a full spectrum light can help boost serotonin production.
Stay Hydrated
Drinking enough water is always important when pregnant. Women think this is a bigger deal in the summer, but the truth is the cold air is quite dry. You may be losing more water than you think while pregnant. Keep your water bottle handy at all times so that you and your baby stay nice and hydrated.